3 MMO experienced people LF Guild...
Free transfers to other servers are still available.
We’re on Borlis Pass, and we’re a mix of casual PvE/dungeon runners and WvW.
Mature experienced gamers many of whom have RL ties.
Come check out our website http://redsky.enjin.com/home
Or jump on our mumble during afternoon/evening hours and chat us up.
Thanks for the post Dtfauss. Ill have a poke around your site.
Try Yak’s Bend instead (we destroyed borlis in our match against them, so I will let you decide which is better ;D). We have got an all-around guild there that has many friends and much fellowship for you to enjoy. Guild name is She Said She Was Level Xviii [oops] and you can check out our site at http://shesaidshewaslevel18.theoks.net. We don’t have mumble or vent, but we do have ts3, which is just as good, if not better. Hope to see you in game!
www.trw-guild.com – The Resistance Way
We are a smaller guild wanting to expand.
We use teamspeak 3
We play on Stormbluff Isle
Some of us are in a race to level, some of us spend all day in WvW, some of us are casual. Whatever your style is, we can dig it. Check us out, it would be a pleasure to add you and your friends to the fam.
We’re on the Isle of Janthir, with about 70 members atm.
Army of Albion: TeamSpeak, 200+ Members, Social, All Content, WvW Focused
We here at Xtremegamersclan [XG] are recruiting
Give Us a once over…
Thanks for the replies. Im going over these websites. Ill have a chat with my P.I.C’s when they get on.
Hey Disco. If your looking for casual in all those, check us out too.
The Final Gaming Community is recruiting.
Check us out if you’re still looking for a guild~
Please check out
We have around 60 members and looking for more!
[Aia] Amoria- The guild of pleasant love
¸ . ø ¤ º ° º ¤ ø . ¸ ¸ . ø ¤ º ° º ¤ ø . ¸
<One Bad Idea> PvX+sPvP increasing its ranks. We are a 74+ member guild with experience on other MMOs. Some Gladiators and end-game raiders want you to join our ranks feel free to contact me for questions. We run guild boosters daily to help our members progress and organize groups to walkthrough WvW/PvE content. We also were looking for a few more people to join for our tournament team. Contact me in game or find us at http://www.facebook.com/OneBadIdea.
Ragnarok is on Yak’s Bend. We are a PvX guild that places a strong emphasis on creating a great community for our guildies. That being said we also do a lot of PvP and intend to become one of the top guilds on our server, with our server being a top tier server. We have a vent and forums. Website is: ragnarok.omgforum.net Our recruitment post is: https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/guilds/guilds/PvX-Yak-s-Bend-Ragnarok-is-recruiting/first#post29529
We are currently at 41 members and growing daily. We have an alliance with Knights of the Red Dawn as well. I think with your interest in all aspects of the game Ragnarok will be a great fit. But I’ll leave that up to you for obvious reasons. By the way, the name is from Norse mythology, not the game. You’d be surprised how many people get that mixed up.
We are an active casual friendly guild with a big emphasis on community. Most of our playerbase is currently at the low to mid level range. We have guild crafters, fun guild events and we do WvW every saturday. We have Teamspeak 3 and a great website!
Please message me or any other Dotd member ingame for more information or an invite or both we have english, swedish, hungarian honk kong and many different nationalitys within the guild, so everyone is welcome
As we learn more about our builds we will get more organised as a guild towards proper teamed dungeon runs and wvw/pvp tourneys..
Our webby is http://defendersofthedire.enjin.com/ so come say hi!
Tis only what you can do for all
Hey Disco,
I think our guild would be perfect for you; we’re a small-medium guild which is formed entirely of small groups of friends, woven together into a friendly community.
We have a dedicated website and dedicated mumble. Our Tekkit community subreddit is also very active, and a large player base from here has made the move to guildwars.
Our guild focus is community, so there are no requirements to do a certain number of guild events a week etc, but there are always groups tackling every type of content GW has to offer, so you’ll never be short of a full party.
See what you think, and please feel free to message me with any details.
A friendly guild for a fun experience! Always recruiting :D
Wow, lots of great replies here! We’ll be taking our time and considering each one. Thank you all very much for taking the time to respond!