About Myself: I’m a very competitive player in all aspects of any game I play. I like people to see my tag and know they have a top ally or a worst enemy. This does not mean I kitten or brag and shout – it means that I’m always working out strategies to be the best and am a team player. I was attracted to this game because it’s not about 1/100th second timed macros to be the best, but actual strategy, reactionary twitch skills, and team play. I’m new, so I’m still learning, but if you are a guild looking for the best of the best, I will be one of those in only a short time (though grindy Legendary gear may take a bit longer :p).
What I’m Looking For: While it’s true I generally seek out competitive guilds in the MMOs I play, I’m not looking for just myself. Have 2 roommates that also play, one of whom is very casual about his play. As gaming with them and having fun is far more important, my only requirements is a friendly and active guild with VoIP (vent or TS). Also looking for a guild that has groups that do PvE (open, dungeons, fractals), Wv3, sPvP and tPvP.
Server: At this point, any – though I prefer T4 or above as I want massive WvWvW. We were on a T8 server, and Wv3 was sadly pitiful. We swapped to a higher pop server at random (Sanctum of Rall), and while I have been loving Wv3 on this server, it seems many others had the same idea. Only 2 of 3 of us made it, and now the server is pretty much constantly full – he has yet to find a time to join. On Thursday, we’re off cooldown, so we have one chance to swap servers that have the spots. Want to be able to be able to know we will find a family where we go.
Player Info and Play Times: (will update with my roommates user names when I get home)
Drawing Guy.3701
Weekly Play Time: 30 – 40 hours
Normal Play Time: 6pm – 10pm PST on week days. Most of the day Sat and/or Sun
Playstyle: Completionist PvE; Competitive Wv3, sPvP (yet to play), tPvP (yet to play)
Personality: Sarcastic and laid back. Will help anyone that asks for it if I can. Willing to talk or debate any subject game related or not.
Weekly Play Time: 50+ hours
Normal Play Time: Varies. Guild activity increases play time. Only school/part time work interferes.
Playstyle: Hardcore PvE and Wv3
Personality: Laid back and talkative. Willing to help anyone if not busy with any other tasks.
Weekly Play Time: <10 hours
Normal Play Time: Varies
Playstyle: Casual PvE and Wv3
Personality: We usually go into a separate channel (as we’re talkative) when he plays and party with him as he cannot play often. Anyone is willing to join us when we do, as the more the merrier! He’s friendly, but due to his limited play time, is the one that needs the help.
As you can see, we three are pretty varied. We would be a great asset to any team, and I look forward to being part of your family.