A question of requirements and leadership (Vagabond Daggers)

A question of requirements and leadership (Vagabond Daggers)

in Guilds

Posted by: Turpenstein.8213


The question isn’t whether you meet some benchmark that we have. The question is whether or not you think we’re the type of guild you’d like to be a part of.

I formed the Vagabond Daggers primarily to bring together a diverse group of mature adults that enjoy playing together in whatever aspect of the game that suits their tastes, time constraints, or personal situation. This is not a mission-oriented guild that recruits players to meet some goal of the GM. It is not a cult of personality. It is not your second job. It is a guild that serves the needs of it’s members.

We are currently composed US east coasters, west coasters, people in-between, and even a couple of Aussies. We all have odd hours, professional commitments, families, friends and other interests. I’m carefully growing the guild membership up to a point of critical mass – that point where there is always a good chance of finding a guildmate online, but not to the point where you risk becoming lost and nameless in the roster.

Guildmates are people, not slots in a roster. We want to get to know you.

Expectations are simple: no drama, and don’t be a jerk. As a member of the guild I’d prefer for you to give a hello when you log in or at least partake of guild chat. I don’t understand why someone will join a guild and never take part in any aspect of guild life. The social aspect of the game is the unbroken thread that weaves it’s way through every aspect of the tapestry that is our guild. We expect mature participation to whatever degree you can offer, but only when it works for your schedule or goals.

I have run guilds in DAoC and WoW. I turned over guild control in WoW and left the game once we hit the raid game as it became a greed-driven chore. I never instituted the use of DKP, and will never again play a game that requires it.

My style of leadership is what I (somewhat jokingly) call ‘the Velvet Gauntlet’. It is smooth and pleasant and moves with the task at hand (so to speak). It will help others in their labors, lift them up, point to a particular goal, and pat them on the back for a job well done – but when necessary it will come down as a fist. I have no tolerance for anything that disrupts the peace and happiness of the guild. Players join to enjoy themselves with other good people, and my role as a GM is to ensure that members never have to wonder if they are welcome or will have to deal with some situation that makes the game less enjoyable.

We will stand up for you if you stand with us.

So – a cup of coffee later on an early Saturday morning and I’ve written a novella. You are welcome among the Vagabond Daggers (Yak’s Bend). If you’ve made it through this wall of text and think we’re a good fit for the way that play, please look us up. We’re having a ball and I would appreciate your membership.

All that is gold does not glitter, Not all those who wander are lost;
The old that is strong does not wither, Deep roots are not reached by the frost.

A question of requirements and leadership (Vagabond Daggers)

in Guilds

Posted by: Luspire.9732


Nice book! I’m interested in joining. I’m fairly far behind the curve as I just started playing today, since I had to update my graphics card, and would love to find a place to relax and have fun, but with a group.

Right now i’m playing a Norn Ranger…who is only like level 9.

Let me know!

- Luspire

Luspire – Human – Elementalist – Yak’s Bend

A question of requirements and leadership (Vagabond Daggers)

in Guilds

Posted by: Turpenstein.8213


Hey Luspire. Your level, class, when you started, etc. doesn’t matter as long as you’re having a good time with it. We’re happy to figure it all out with you as you go along. I sent you an invite in-game. Please accept and represent if you have no further questions and I hope to see you in the next day or two. Let me know if you have any questions via pm, re-post on this thread, or in-game.

All that is gold does not glitter, Not all those who wander are lost;
The old that is strong does not wither, Deep roots are not reached by the frost.