AGONY [AGNY] [PvX] [18+] [Kaineng]

AGONY [AGNY] [PvX] [18+] [Kaineng]

in Guilds

Posted by: fileark.4709


Edited and updated content 5/7/2013

Agony Mission Statement
We believe in providing a gaming environment that respects and
fosters individual play styles in order to build a fun, friendly gaming community as a whole.

What is Agony?

Agony is so much more than a Guild Wars 2 guild. We are a gaming community, and our core has been together through several different games such as Guild Wars, World of Warcraft, Rift, Tera, and Star Wars: The Old Republic. We are passionate about having fun with the people we play with. Being successful in game is great, but we are a group of people who care about each other as more than gamers. We all understand that these characters we play with everyday are people with real lives. We are about forming connections and friendships within the games we play.
Agony has an active base membership on the North American server, Kaineng, with around 250+ active memberships. On any given night, at peak times, we could have upwards of 80 members representing with 30-40 on our Mumble server.
Agony runs dedicated dungeon nights, WvW, guild missions, PvP and various other events happening throughout the week. Agony utilizes a guild calendar on the website that is up to date, so members can stay up on what is happening within the guild.

General requirements for membership within Agony:

Registration on the website and application submitted.

Agony has a large Mumble server that is maintained and used daily for socializing, dungeons, WvW, guild missions, etc. Mumble is suggested for all guild activities and is required for Guild Missions.

Must have a high maturity level. This is an adult guild and we expect our members to act like it- not just in guild but throughout Tyria as well.

Represent Agony and be on the Kaineng server. Guesting is okay on occasion.

You must possess a good, open attitude, and be willing to improve. Even seasoned members need improvement and are striving to make the best of their time in game.

Guild Name: Agony
Server: Kaineng
Play style: PvX
Members 230+
Time Zone: Central (-5 GMT) We have members from all time zones. US, Canadian, Australian members.
Events: Organized Guild Events are Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday and Sunday starting @ 7:00PM CDT.
In search of: All professions
Age: 18+
Mumble: 50 man server.
Events: Dungeon nights, WvW, guild missions, and social events, scheduled on the calendar.
GM: Naugahide, Fileark
Officer, Web: Moryi
Officer, PvE: Kenzie, Blodispower
Officer, Social: Sahria, Evney
Officer, Treasurer: Aster Sage

(edited by fileark.4709)

AGONY [AGNY] [PvX] [18+] [Kaineng]

in Guilds

Posted by: Cidikmanjo.3247


I would love to join you guys. Throw me an invite please

AGONY [AGNY] [PvX] [18+] [Kaineng]

in Guilds

Posted by: domxnik.1453


Sent you a PM asking some questions.

Anvixy- 80 Ranger

AGONY [AGNY] [PvX] [18+] [Kaineng]

in Guilds

Posted by: fileark.4709


A little more info here. Off peak hours our population may run from 8-15 members but on peak it can be 25-40 members. Peak times for us usually starts around 5PM CDT and rolls past 1AM CDT. We are actively working to maintain and grow a healthy guild family. Our objective so far is not to be a mega guild or anything but to have the critical numbers there so that if someone wants to throw together a guild AC of FOTM run they can usually get it together without PUGing.

Also, if you are interested in joining us visit and submit an application, we will then send an in-game invite.

(edited by fileark.4709)

AGONY [AGNY] [PvX] [18+] [Kaineng]

in Guilds

Posted by: domxnik.1453


I joined this guild last night and so far activity wise, it’s looking good. It was 10pm EST and there were 47 members online and all three of their dungeon Mumble channels were full along with five or so people in the lobby.

I’m hoping to do more activities with these guys and getting to know everyone better. (:

Anvixy- 80 Ranger

AGONY [AGNY] [PvX] [18+] [Kaineng]

in Guilds

Posted by: fileark.4709


We breached the 200+ mark. Currently we have 224 members. Dungeon nights turn out 3-5 full guildie dungeon groups that do anything from AC Exp to Fractals 20. We are doing a lot more low level fractals lately getting people who have never done fractals and alts leveled up. We have had a rash of story mode dungeon groups spontaneously form lately.

WvW is getting fun, last WvW night had 20+ guildies Zerging EB.

We have two events running on the website this month, competition to redesign the guild crest/emblem ingame and also redesign the website banner.

AGONY [AGNY] [PvX] [18+] [Kaineng]

in Guilds

Posted by: domxnik.1453


Very nice guild.

-No drama
-Active members—People on all hours.
-Dungeon crawlers and pvp’ers!
-Clean roster
-Magic find, karma, xp and other guild upgrades

If this sounds good to anyone, I urge you to try out this guild. Remember, on Jan 28th when the update comes, world transfers will no longer be free.

Anvixy- 80 Ranger

AGONY [AGNY] [PvX] [18+] [Kaineng]

in Guilds

Posted by: fileark.4709


We have 225 members now and have stopped recruiting in-game in map chat. We now use word of mouth, friends of fiends and forum posts to drive people to the website to sign up. We are still definitely accepting all applications but are loving the good quality of the new members that are intentionally looking for a home!

This week we had to bump up our mumble server from a 35 man to a 50 man because of dungeon night!

Loving the community on IoJ.

AGONY [AGNY] [PvX] [18+] [Kaineng]

in Guilds

Posted by: fileark.4709


Things move fast. There was an exodus of WvW guilds from IoJ when they announced the end of free server transfers. We had no intention of transferring but the concern finally caught on and we had to face the issue. It went to first an officer vote and passed then a member vote and passed. We have moved to Kaineng. In the final vote 93% of the voting members voiced that they would follow to Kaineng.

AGONY [AGNY] [PvX] [18+] [Kaineng]

in Guilds

Posted by: fileark.4709


Just an update, I edited the first post in the thread to reflect our current state. Our members are loving Kaineng! If you want an active guild that runs a lot of dungeons and enjoys playing together visit the website and fill out an application!

(edited by fileark.4709)

AGONY [AGNY] [PvX] [18+] [Kaineng]

in Guilds

Posted by: Ormiga.6183


I will be livestreaming Agony’s Tuesday Nights Dungeon Event. Hop on to the livestream at and check us out at 6pm cst

(edited by Ormiga.6183)

AGONY [AGNY] [PvX] [18+] [Kaineng]

in Guilds

Posted by: fileark.4709


I have edited my posts above to reflect our new domain so as to not confuse anyone. It is now

AGONY [AGNY] [PvX] [18+] [Kaineng]

in Guilds

Posted by: dzlbri.8645


Hi there! Just saw your post after I put my own up.

I just purchased GW2 and downloading now. I’ve done lots of research in advance and a guild on a busy server sounds great for me.

I am an experienced MMO player so the basic concepts are not foreign to me. I’ve actually read through most of the strategy guide and a lot of information on the forums. With that said, here is what I’m looking for in a guild:
—Fun, friendly & helpful atmosphere where new players are accepted and given help when needed.
—PvE focus. However I wouldn’t mind trying some WvW. But primarily PvE content.
—Voice Comms (I refuse to use Raidcall….it’s a horrible program)
—Large enough guild to provide plenty of teaming opportunities for zone completion, dynamic events, dungeons, etc. It would be nice to have people to pal around with since I’m just starting out.
—Adult guild….18+
—No racial, sexual orientation, creed, etc bias. Recognize that MMOs attract people from all walks of life
—Be fun!
What I have to offer:
—Plenty of MMO experience
—Friently & positive attitude
—Ability to follow directions
—Very loyal. The last game I played I was with the same group for 2 years.
—Lots of hours to devote to game play
—Always willing to try new and exciting things
—Always willing to help others as much as I can

Let me know if you think we’d be a good fit and your accepting new players. It would be nice to start off with a good home upon starting the game. You can PM me on the forums as well. Just keep in mind I can’t respond back. I tried sending you a PM and it says I have to wait 2 days. Looking forward to hearing from you.

AGONY [AGNY] [PvX] [18+] [Kaineng]

in Guilds

Posted by: fileark.4709


Quick update, our roster is around 190 and growing after removing inactive members who were offline for over a month.
We have 100-150 members log in each day with 10-20 concurrent members online off peak and 40-60 concurrent members on peak. In addition to regularly scheduled dungeon and WvW nights, we have new scheduled social events. Last weeks guild costume brawl was fun and the upcoming keg brawl this weekend should be a blast.

We have a new much improved guild emblem after lasts months competition has come to a close with over a dozen entries. Our website banner competition is also complete with a complete website redesign which our 70 website visitors each day should enjoy.

We need even more great members to come join us on Kaineng, check us out.

P.S. dzlbri, i will pm you.

(edited by fileark.4709)

AGONY [AGNY] [PvX] [18+] [Kaineng]

in Guilds

Posted by: fileark.4709


Up to 280+ members, updated the initial post

AGONY [AGNY] [PvX] [18+] [Kaineng]

in Guilds

Posted by: fileark.4709


We had a reorganization recently and are picking up the pace, recruiting more talent and starting to drive toward more PvP action!

AGONY [AGNY] [PvX] [18+] [Kaineng]

in Guilds

Posted by: fileark.4709


Just an update, updated the first post with current info. Still going strong with 230+ members, looking for more fun and friendly people to join us!