[AURORA GLADE] Storm Vanguard [FURY] WvW Recruitment
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We’re about 75 members now
Name: Storm Vanguard
Ticker: FURY
Leader: Aeraeni
Server: Aurora Glade
Current Size: 50 members
Voice Communications: Mumble Server
- Able to speak english
- Must download and use Mumble voice comms (microphone not strictly necessary)
- Must represent, and participate reasonably within the guild.
The Storm Vanguard are a guild that has played since beta, where our founding members met on the early WvW testing runs. We’re a good friendly group, with weekly weekend meetings, use of voice comms, and while we enjoy WvW as our primary focus, we have plenty of people running groups for dungeons, and teaming up for general PVE.
We have built up our guild to 50 members at time of this writing, and we’re open to many more. Our current membership hails from a mixture of european countries and the UK, with all our members being english speakers.
Our intention is to take FURY to a size where we can routinely field 20, 30 or even more at a single time in WvW, so that we can easily defeat even moderately defended keeps without external support. At present, our WvW events have us fielding 10-15 regularly, so we’re already one of Aurora’s larger and more effective combat groups.
How to Join
So, if this sounds interesting to you, head over to our temporary domain, register at the forum and apply in the relevant section;
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We’re about 75 members now
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