Aeons of Vengeance is nearing the end cycle of recruiting stage 2! Yeah don’t I sound all businesslike and serious haha? What I really mean is that we are nearing the 20 active members mark at which point I will pause recruiting to strengthen bonds and ensure the people we have are in for the long run. The guild is based in Stormbluff EST time zone, with leadership mostly in Ontario, Canada (myself and the other 2 co-leaders). We usually play daily, and most active members have an evening to after midnight span of activity.
We are a relatively new guild (about 2 weeks old) and grew quite rapidly. We have Architecture lvls 1&2, Politics lvls 1&2, Economy 1, and Guild Stash and Workshop. Our main focus for now is PvE but we are willing to expand to any aspect of the game given interest and man power. I have yet to hear from a recruit that didn’t love the guild as soon as they joined since everyone in it is friendly, playful, laid back and willing to help and party up for anything you might wanna do, and most importantly we are active. There’s nothing worse than joining a big guild of 100 people to find 10 not representing, 20 always offline, 30 never talkative, and 20 that just don’t like what you’re doing…etc.
Preferably I’d also like to recruit people that will eventually rise to be a higher rank in the guild as I believe the ratio is currently leaning a bit heavier on members rather than leaders. I don’t have strict rules and policies like so many others. Whenever guild recruiters do that it just sounds so forced and uptight and that’s definitely not what AoV is all about. We are here to have fun with this amazing game and I am here to try and get more people to enjoy it with us
We ARE getting team speak but we don’t have a website yet. The only rule I have is that all members must represent 24/7. I don’t want people who just use the guild when they see fit.
I’m mostly looking for mature players who integrate well with the guild members, have mmo experience and are quite active when the guild is. Basically if you rank 8 or lower on the scale below:
Casual Gamer [0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10] Mountain Dew/Pizza Gamer
then we most definitely want to hear from you and I think you’d have a great time getting to know us.