(edited by Milkroll.5962)
[Agg]ression R> WvWer's in Dragonbrand
Hello lurkers,
If you have any issues with the guild in general, you may take it up with me in a private message. If its a question I can’t answer I will forward it to a higher-up in the guild.
Any defamatory posts made in this thread will be reported and removed by a mod.
latest video from [Agg] !
Hi, please make sure your play schedule fits with our run time, if your run time is usually different from ours, feel free to ask us about which WvW guilds do fit your schedule!
3 out of 5 rounds of [Agg] vs [HOPE] from Nfn’s perspective.
Note we won all 5 rounds, but he only recorded 3 since he was switched out for another guildie for the other two.
Agg is implementing training to our schedule, we’ve set up a day just to test things out and we’ll have that to offer to new applicants.
Although we are WvW focused, some of our members still participate in PvE and sPvP activities- before and after our WvW runs.
Hello everyone, we have one GvG scheduled in the upcoming days, if you want the info to watch us live on the site, drop me a PM or feel free to contact anyone else you know in Aggression!
Newest video of Aggression leading DB and taking Hills by our guild leader.
21st May from the perspective of Honden
New video from the perspective of our guild leader on the 21st of May, a variation of the video posted prior.
Newest video from Towmaterade
Newest video from Majin Hysteria
Newest video from Honden
Newest video from our guild leader on Sunday
We have a GvG lined up on Saturday, videos will be up shortly afterwards
GvG is happening now, come watch if you want.
we’re in wvw right now