Alliances Elite [AlEl] Tarnished Coast Guild

Alliances Elite [AlEl] Tarnished Coast Guild

in Guilds

Posted by: Aeo.1453


We are recruiting, now and forever! Alliances Elite is a guild open and welcome to players of any gaming style. Be you a PvEer, constantly looking for dungeons, a PvP or WvWer, seeking out fellow players to slay, or an old-school role-player whom puts on the persona of their character and plays a double-life via the internets, you are welcome! Currently, we are mainly focused on building up our roster, getting points to spend on upgrades to and for the guild and its current and future members. However, we are, as I said before, open and welcome to having “wings” within the guild for PvPers, WvWers and RPers. Come on in, the water’s fine!
