Angels Of Death- AOD
The Angels of Death are a large, international (although primarily based in the US) multi-game community of around 1000 members spread across games including World of Tanks, Star Wars: The Old Republic, EVE Online, and more. AOD, founded in 1999, is an honor clan, following a Code of Conduct and organized with a militaryesque structure. We are currently looking for potential members who are mature and would like to join our Guild Wars 2 division within AOD. Both casual and serious players (16+ prefered) should check us out because we have a little of everything for everyone.
Casual Gamers : There are no weekly time requirements (We merely ask members to be somewhat active. Afterall, it’s hard to be part of a clan if you aren’t playing the game) for being a part of our clan and you will not be pushed aside for our “special teams”. There are no elitists in our gaming group and all members are treated equally regardless of talent. We understand that life is stressful enough and the reason to game is to escape all of the nonsense of real life and just chill out.
Hardcore Gamers : We plan on holding regular practices, for those that would like to hone their skills, and perhaps earn a spots on whatever competition teams arise. Furthermore, we plan on taking both competitive PvP and WvWvW very seriously, so long as member numbers support it. So, if you would like to focus on teamwork without the distractions of individual egos, AOD is the place for you.
Perks to belonging to AOD :
-Access to 350 man public/private Ventrilo server.
-Contests: That’s right, AOD occasionally holds contests for it’s members that give them a chance to win prizes.
-Access to AOD members with tech and computer knowledge. Something goes in your rig, we have plenty of members willing to help walk you through your problems.
-Hassle free gaming.
-Based on Jade Quarry Server (US)
AOD is a good fit for you if you have these qualities :
-Willingness to learn
Requirements to be in AOD :
-First and foremost, agreeing to follow our Code of Conduct. This is non-negotiable.
-You must have Ventrilo, and be logged onto our server while playing AOD-division games. A mic is a requirement, however, being chatty is not. We have quiet rooms for those who’d rather not listen to/be involved in general conversation.
-You must register with our forums (located in the link above), and read and post on it regularly.
-We generally do not support multi-clanning in games that AOD has divisions in, so if you join AOD for one division, you are expected to join AOD in other games that you play that AOD has a division in (although you will only have one primary division at a time; other divisions you can play with at your leisure.) This will most likely apply to our GW2 division as well, although this may change if we find there is a significant disadvantage to GW2 players who are not a member of multiple guilds.
-We do not cheat, hack, glitch, or do/use anything that would give ourselves an unfair advantage in any multiplayer environment, nor tolerate those who do.
So if this has thread has peaked your interest, click the link provided above, register with our forums, read up on what additional information (such as our Code of Conduct) is available, and either send myself (AOD_Carn Validus) a PM, or submit an application in the GW2:News section under the “AOD Guild Wars Applications” thread. Alternatively, you could send me a PM through this forum.
We are still looking for new members, feel free to come check us out
(edited by Carn Validus.5182)