Angry Feminists!

Angry Feminists!

in Guilds

Posted by: Alkalissa.1706


Angry Feminists [GRRL] are recruiting women and others!
What are we angry about? Everything! Flame Legion! Sons of Svanir! Back to the kitchen jokes! Human female armour! Mostly just macho gaming culture though, and not being able to find a place in Tyria.

If you want a casual social guild with friendly, mature women and others; then come join us. We’re on Whiteside Ridge (EU) if you want to share in the influence, but we don’t care what server you’re on, only if you’re nice.
We have no focus, website, forums, or voice chat, because we’re freakin’ tiny at the moment. There are no hard and fast rules, just don’t be mean – especially to someone in a minority (of power) group. Warnings will be given and transgressions dealt with by the wrath of the Guild Tyrant.

So if you’re feminist, intersectionalist, LBTIQ (the G’s have a few of their own guilds already), or just generally tired of players waggling their immaturity and privilege all over chat, we want you to come and join us. Pretty please? It’s lonely out here.

PM or whisper me (Alkalissa.1706) for an invite. Male applicants will be tolerated, but only barely.

Now excuse me, I’m going to hide behind this large flame shield over here.

Angry Feminists!

in Guilds

Posted by: midiean.8469


So you’ll not let people in your guild if they’re gay? For someone complaining about ‘macho gaming culture’, you sure are homophobic

Angry Feminists!

in Guilds

Posted by: Alkalissa.1706


So you’ll not let people in your guild if they’re gay? For someone complaining about ‘macho gaming culture’, you sure are homophobic

Gay people are welcome; I, myself, am a lesbian… and I’ve been through several ‘LGBT’ guilds that are almost exclusively gay men, and have been pretty misogynistic at times. I merely wanted to draw attention to the fact that there is privilege at work inside the gay community also; my intent is not to exclude.

Angry Feminists!

in Guilds

Posted by: lauriewawa.9675


I’m nice! Invite me! I’m on a Northern Shiverpeaks (US) so not sure we’d be on at the same time but I need more girls in my virtual life. You’ll take me if I’m straight right!?

Also, sorry to be ignorant – I know what LBTI stands for….but not Q….

Angry Feminists!

in Guilds

Posted by: Alkalissa.1706


Of course we’ll take a hetero! One of my closest friends is even straight!

I know of at least one guild for girls on US servers, Justice Girls, if you wanted to look them up so you can guest with people.

As for the Q, it’s for a word censored on the forums, but it rhymed with beer. I think it gets thrown into the alphabet soup to fit people that prefer more obscure terms or definitions for themselves; and everyone has a different idea of what shuld go in the alphabet soup etc etc…

Angry Feminists!

in Guilds

Posted by: Dustfinger.9510


Of course we’ll take a hetero! One of my closest friends is even straight!


Angry Feminists!

in Guilds

Posted by: PapercutPoodle.5840


If I hadn’t already been in a guild with some RL friends, all of whom have no idea I’m trans, I would have applied to join in a heartbeat.. Finding other girls to game with is crazy difficult.. :/

Angry Feminists!

in Guilds

Posted by: lauriewawa.9675


Well I thought that might be the Q! But thanks for clarifying. Hope to chat with you ladies sometime!

Angry Feminists!

in Guilds

Posted by: PapercutPoodle.5840


With the Free weekend up and running and the possibility of a lot of new players deciding to look for a guild I think this should be a on the front page.

So, have a bump!

Angry Feminists!

in Guilds

Posted by: Authority.6145


Having a sex change. Be right back.

Angry Feminists!

in Guilds

Posted by: Alkalissa.1706


If I hadn’t already been in a guild with some RL friends, all of whom have no idea I’m trans, I would have applied to join in a heartbeat.. Finding other girls to game with is crazy difficult.. :/

I kinda hope you’re playing a thief, the opportunities for stealth jokes would be endless. Or maybe it’s just me that enjoys making jokes others can’t get…

If you ever want a second place to hang out and vent, you’re welcome. I don’t mind if we have very infrequently representing peeps!

Angry Feminists!

in Guilds

Posted by: Tom.8029


Haha. I love your guild’s name!

Primordial Dragons [Drgn]
Fort Aspenwood Elementalist

Angry Feminists!

in Guilds

Posted by: PapercutPoodle.5840


I kinda hope you’re playing a thief, the opportunities for stealth jokes would be endless. Or maybe it’s just me that enjoys making jokes others can’t get…

I do have a level 80 thief and that possibility never even crossed my mind! Oh this is going to be fun..

If you ever want a second place to hang out and vent, you’re welcome. I don’t mind if we have very infrequently representing peeps!

Aw that would actually be quite lovely!
I’ll send you a whisper in-game when I log on.