{BG} Make Your Best Whale Noise [Noiz] PvX

{BG} Make Your Best Whale Noise [Noiz] PvX

in Guilds

Posted by: Justbob.5897


Make Your Best Whale Noise [Noiz]
Server BlackGate
Type Casual to hardcore, single rep guild.
Brief History Legion moved over from Aion wanting to ground its roots in Guild Wars 2.
Website http://makeyourbestwhalenoise.shivtr.com/
Age requirement 18
Voice Vent
Motto Real life first, we are not going anywhere/Build it and they will come.

“Why such a crazzzyyy name?” -You

“Well, a legendary Guild needs an unforgettable name.”-Me

Our Focus
Get the right people in charge of their favorite part of the game ensuring nonstop content for even the most Casual to Hardcore player. That includes customs guild ranks with separate leaders for each WvW, PvE, and sPvP. We are building this guild from the ground up. One member at a time, building a strong core in which we can keep adding to it-trying things other guilds would only dream of doing. We have just moved to our permanent home and plan on being a great addition to the WvW scene. We want to build a sPvp community were you are not afraid to try/master a new and unique build, we want you to be consistently out of paid tourney tickets not playing ‘who has the biggest stack’. We see YOU spamming LFG _ in LA we are not giving PvE the short straw here, with near future plans for a Legendary Weapon pool and fantastic dungeon runs. There are reasons for everyone to Join!

Future plans
Trained Pods (group of whales) scattered all over the WvW maps helping were help is needed. We have all the tools we just need YOU!

We also want to start a pool for legendary weapons. For the most helpful of members or it will be a rotation type thing.

Time Zone
Round the clock awesomeness (EST mostly)

Recruitment Info
For More info or if you want to apply whisper/mail in-game {Just Bob} or you can post/pm me here.
2 week trial period Helps both you and we the guild to see if you are a good fit.

Just Bob – Ele – Revel – BlackGate

(edited by Justbob.5897)

{BG} Make Your Best Whale Noise [Noiz] PvX

in Guilds

Posted by: Justbob.5897


sPvP News (placeholder post for future tpvp teams and ranks for [Noiz])

Your Name Here

Just Bob – Ele – Revel – BlackGate

(edited by Justbob.5897)

{BG} Make Your Best Whale Noise [Noiz] PvX

in Guilds

Posted by: Justbob.5897


Guild News
Edited a couple parts in the original post. again
We moved to BG today, kinda random but we feel if there is a better place to build a strong guild why stay on a server with already too much zerg JQ had the numbers but none of the skill and hoping this will be a different case here.

Just Bob – Ele – Revel – BlackGate

(edited by Justbob.5897)

{BG} Make Your Best Whale Noise [Noiz] PvX

in Guilds

Posted by: TylerWolff.7186


Joined a week or so ago and have really enjoyed the few times the guild has done stuff together. I’m excited to see where the guild goes once more people join because I can tell it has potential.

{BG} Make Your Best Whale Noise [Noiz] PvX

in Guilds

Posted by: Sorem.9157


I’ve been on this legion for awhile and also gotta admit it has some potential And Bob has big plans for it. Had great runs with them, and whenever we have some people online the chat turns pretty talkative on a light and nice mood