Brothers looking for a Guild (SoR)

Brothers looking for a Guild (SoR)

in Guilds

Posted by: Melvin.9568


Well hello there, thanks for taking the time to read my post. I am brand new to guild wars and just created my first character couple days ago (Lvl 8 Warrior), but my brother has been playing for a little while and seems to know what he is doing. I am only able to play limited times a week as I have a very busy work schedule and my brother is in college but does try to login everyday for an hour or two.

So now you know a little about us and thank you to those that haven’t run of wasting your time with a newb like me. My brother has been showing me the ropes of the game and it seems pretty amazing. We are casual players not hardcore and casually mature and likes to keep things light. We are looking for a small-medium size guild where player know each other and communicate which is very important for us via ventrilo/mumble and not just during events like dungeons/WvW but in general and that has no cliques, basically a group of players in the guild that does their own thing and doesn’t bother helping others. We are very helpful and are glad to help if not in a dungeon/instance at the moment.

As long as there is some structure to the guild and it isn’t going to dissolve which happened to my brother with his last guild that he joined. We are mainly PvE focused but wouldn’t mind a little WvW later on once I am more acclimated to the game. I am in the Sanctum Of Rall server and am NOT looking to change servers since the cost a pretty penny now apparently, so if any guild out there would like to welcome us and feel that we would gel well with the guild please message me in the forum pm’s or just leave a reply in the thread. Thanks

Brothers looking for a Guild (SoR)

in Guilds

Posted by: girlvsmmo.4631


Hi Melvin. After reading your post I thought I’d tell you a bit about my guild, Kamikaze Runners. I founded the guild back in 2011, next month is our anniversary, in WoW. We moved to GW2 at launch and have decided to keep our focus on this game because quite a few of us enjoyed it more. We like to think of our guild kinda like “Cheers” where every knows your name. KR is very laid back and casual. We try and help our members out as much as we can. We also run scheduled instance runs on the weekends.

Here is a link to our guild post from the official forums. If you like you can check out our website or contact me in game if you have questions.

Alexis Nyght | Thief | Sanctum of Rall
Kamikaze Runners [KR] – because walking to your death just isn’t as fun

Brothers looking for a Guild (SoR)

in Guilds

Posted by: Dark Revan.7634

Dark Revan.7634


I sent you a PM but here is our recruitment page in the forums:

Brothers looking for a Guild (SoR)

in Guilds

Posted by: Grotesque.6480


Dear Melvin,

We from Extraordinary Gentlemen [EXG] are an international Mature PvX guild playing on Desolation [EU]. As we are an international guild, we have members from all over the world. We mainly reside in USA / Canada / Europe and Asia! Therefore, we have members online at all times ready to do some dungeons or WvW runs!

As of right now, we have over 214+ Members inguild with a daily login varying from 130 ~ 150 members online and around 50 ~ 70 members online at the same time.

As we are a PvX guild, we are several Officers appointed to specific game types such as PvP, PvE and WvW. They organize scheduled runs through the week whom you can join if youd want to be sure to hit a party. Outside those scheduled events, we organize alot of guild events and other parties all the time!

Nonetheless, if youd like to know more about us, make sure to check out our website at! Feel free to reply or PM me incase you wish to know more info about us!

Best Regards,

Team Aggression [TA]

Brothers looking for a Guild (SoR)

in Guilds

Posted by: NorthStar.3798



We are on Sanctum of Rall and we are very active and friendly semi-hard core guild that focus mostly on WvW and PvE. We been established since 2006. We are medium sized guild (about 20 players during WvW).

Our website can be found at and can tell you a lot about us. If you have any questions please PM me here or in the game!

Sanctum of Rall