Casual/active player looking for new home

Casual/active player looking for new home

in Guilds

Posted by: makinaz.7560


Hello everyone. My guild has recently fallen apart, lots of players leaving the game. Me, I’m excited for all the upcoming stuff and have fun playing daily.

I play a level 80 warrior mostly. Only a few exotic items but I’m getting better.

I mostly play PVE. I’m not much into WvW right now but I’m not opposed to it. I’d like to start exploring dungeons and all that if possible.

Would like to join a guild that uses voice chat, but it’s no requirement. Any server is OK.

Thanks for reading. I hope you will consider me.

Casual/active player looking for new home

in Guilds

Posted by: Era.2930


Sent you a PM makinaz, hope to speak to you soon

Casual/active player looking for new home

in Guilds

Posted by: Gwyn.6412


Sent you a PM ^o^

Casual/active player looking for new home

in Guilds

Posted by: Sous.5164


SCORN is a mature guild of new and old friends that enjoy all aspects of GW2 on Fort Aspenwood. If you think this may fit your style, look us up or apply at

My in game name is Gaudrik.

Casual/active player looking for new home

in Guilds

Posted by: Raine Akrune.8416

Raine Akrune.8416

Good day,

I run an actively casual guild on Devona’s Rest and we’re always looking for more players interested in joining our ranks. We have weekly events, such as dungeon runs and WvW, but we’re also the spontaneous type that will decide on the hour to do something. We’re very patient and all adults who are just interested in a fun gaming experience.

You can find our guild posting here:
The Burning Eden [TBE]

You can always contact us in game if you’d rather have a conversation and get a better feel for what our guild is about. Feel free to add me to your friend list as I’m on every evening.

~Meri Shadows

Asuran Master Thief/Charr Paladin Extraordinaire
Khan of The Burning Eden [TBE]

Casual/active player looking for new home

in Guilds

Posted by: Lunasun.2491


Hello Makinaz,

I have read your post and wanted to reply and offer you a spot in our small cozy laid back guild, if you dont mind to change servers.
We have members from Europe, the US, and other parts of the world.

We have 133 members atm, and we are steadily growing, but we
still maintain to keep the family feeling.

We have a mature member base, I would not mind taking a few
younger members, as long as it wont be the majority of our roster.

Although we are not huge, we have a very active group of people
now, we play every day and mostly play together in party.

We have weekly organized WvW/PvP, Dungeon & FotM runs, and even Music Night, and our members do all those activities together with other guild members every day as well.

We use RaidCall to talk, and a lot of us are on there on a daily basis as well.

Please take a look at our forums:

Guild name: We R In Style
Server: EU Underworld

I would say, give it a try, and who knows, you might like our little crazy bunch!

in game character: Xena Love/Lady Luna Love/Luna Lovess, whisper me any time.

Guild Leader of: We R In Style – Server: Underworld

Casual/active player looking for new home

in Guilds

Posted by: Orbixitron.3218


Hey there!

I’ve recently formed a PvX guild on Tarnished Coast called What The Kitten [Meow]. We are looking for new, friendly players to enjoy all aspects of GW2. We focus largely on PvE, dungeon runs, large events, such as dragons and so on. But we also like to dabble with PvP and WvW when the mood takes us.

The guild has a new site at:

Our recruitment post can also be found here: Meow!

Good luck in your search for a guild!

Casual/active player looking for new home

in Guilds

Posted by: Xavier.2356


Hi Makinaz!

I run a guild on Maguuma that is looking to induct new members with similar interests. Take a look at our bio below and let me know if it sounds like a place you would enjoy.

Home World: Maguuma (guesting members welcome!)
Guild Name: Heroic Heroes of Heroism [HHH]
Focus: PvE and PvP (mostly WvW)
VoIP: Ventrillo

Prime time: 8 PM – 12 AM Eastern, and anytime on weekends

Our guild has one rule: thou shall not be a prick.

Heroic Heroes of Heroism was founded by several friends who have known each other, and have gamed together for well over 10 years. As adults, at this point in our lives many of us have full time jobs, significant others, and / or children of our own. While our personal lives and entanglements may take up much of our time and attention, there still remains at least one constant: we love to game together and interact with like minded people!

We wanted to create a Guild Wars 2 guild where all kinds of great and friendly players could pool together to enhance their gaming experience, regardless of whether your schedule is busy or flexible. A place where all players involved felt like they were a part of a meaningful community of great people. Above all else, we just want to PLAY and have a great time doing it! We do not have any mandatory events which require you to commit regular play time, but we highly encourage our members to organize optional nights and activities as long as your fellow players in the guild are kept in mind.

If you want to join a group of mature, open minded, and at times hilariously demented people (in a non-murderous kind of way), then we would love to have you on-board to take this ride with HHH. Hell, we’ll even cater to anti-social cat lovers!

Please feel free to contact us via in game mail, whisper, or a PM on the forums.

Dr Higgs Boson/Xavier.2356

Casual/active player looking for new home

in Guilds

Posted by: Rits.4036


Heya Makinaz, I sent you a PM!

Grumpy Rits – A GrumpyCat/Charr Warrior
The Unholy Mackerels [UM]
Fort Aspenwood

Casual/active player looking for new home

in Guilds

Posted by: Atreyu.3068


I sent you a PM. Feel free to message me if you have any further questions regarding TOG or Yak’s Bend.

The Older Gamers [TOG]
Yak’s Bend

Casual/active player looking for new home

in Guilds

Posted by: Ravyna Darksong.1576

Ravyna Darksong.1576

We’ve got a medium sized guild on Darkhaven that’s mostly comprised of family and friends, making it a very tight knit community that thrives on helping each other out and enjoying the game together. We’d be more than happy to welcome you to our group as well!

We run events every week, everything from wvw, dungeons, fractals and once guild missions are in we’ll be scheduling those as well. If this sounds like something you’d be interested in check us out at and you can also PM either here or in game if you’d like to join us on a run of some kind and get a feel for us before you make a decision.

I hope to hear from you soon, and if not I hope you find a great guild to call home!

Casual/active player looking for new home

in Guilds

Posted by: DangurXtreme.5093


We could always use a few more. We are on Sorrow’s Furnace.

Casual/active player looking for new home

in Guilds

Posted by: Neksis Syxx.6983

Neksis Syxx.6983

The name of our guild is Just Us Grownups or [JUGs] and we could be just the guild you’re looking for.

We are a small—but growing—casual, guild catering to the 30+ crowd. We are very laid back and just want to game, hang out and avoid drama.

We are primarily a PvE guild but we also jump into the WvW realms every now and then.

Our guild is happy to take in members, regardless of experience level. If you want to learn, we’ll answer your questions; if you have knowledge to pass on, we’ll listen.

We’re small at the moment but have been averaging two new players a day. To be honest, I’d prefer a small guild full of tight-knit members as opposed to a large guild that’s basically comprised of small cliques.

The guild is run with a ‘hands-off’ approach and most matters in the guild are handled by vote. We don’t make demands or requirements other that you have a good time when your with us.

All of us have real lives that come first and no one’s going to pressure you in any way to spend more time with the guild than you can.

I created the guild so there would be a good gaming environment free of the tension and drama of the hardcore guilds which are usually comprised of younger players.

We’re on the Jade Quarry server and we have both Ventrilo and Mumble voice servers. We also have a feature-rich website where you can create and co-ordinate events that other members can sign up for.

If you’re interested, you can fill out an application on our site: or, if you have any questions, feel free to send me a message through these forums.

Good luck in finding a guild!

~ Neksis

P.S. Here is our recruiting post on these forums.

Just Us Grown Ups [JUGs] –
Contact: Neksis Syxx.6983 Archranis.2375

Casual/active player looking for new home

in Guilds

Posted by: Sydyshka.3729


Hi Makinaz

if you don’t mind changing server then you may be interested in joining Darkveil on Gandara.
We are European with players from UK and the continent. We all have jobs etc so aren’t hardcore, but we do like to have some fun together.
We are building our close knit community and looking for mature players (over 20) to join us for dungeons and some WvW. We have just started a few weeks run to enable all members to clear every dungeon which you may like to join. There is also a group starting that wishes to do regular pvp & Tpvp.

If you are interested then please apply on our Forum or /w Sydyshka.3729, Rodaquiste.7631, xl LentoN lx.7658, Angalid.6739 or Michael.6901 in game for a chat.

Hope to hear from you soon.


Casual/active player looking for new home

in Guilds

Posted by: ashammer.2359


Hi there,

I have a guild on Sorrows Furnace called Wrath Incarnate (WIN). We are a medium sized guild with 80+ members that has a pretty close knit group of social players. We are more PvE and dungeon focused but when we do go into WvW we tend to do so as a guild. We do have most guild upgrades, guild bank and vent.

We aren’t hardcore and don’t have any prerequisites to join other than be social, friendly and help out when you can. We are predominately NA players…a mix of east coast and west coast and are a mix of mostly mature gamers with lives outside the game.

If this interests you or have any questions please send me a pm.

You can also check out our website at

Guild Leader – WIN

Guild Leader – Wrath Incarnate