Casual adult player lfg on stormbluff isle

Casual adult player lfg on stormbluff isle

in Guilds

Posted by: Xante.2184


i’m a 40 something player who is looking for a casual, adult, family oriented guild on storm bluffs . the guild would need vent or team-speak but not mumble since i don’t like that.
What i mean by family oriented is language on those programs and in chat… i hate listening to people who think the f-word is supposed to be included in each sentence and so on. not a prude but i have limits. also please if you have any bigots in your guild pass me by, i have a low tolerance for people with a low tolerance .

I’ve been playing solo for awhile bringing up many characters slowly and trying to learn how things work but i miss the camaraderie of a guild. not looking for handouts or anything but some simple answers here and there to questions a newbie would have.

I’m very talkative at times and friendly and helpful if i am not trying to do something on my own but i am disabled and have times where i cant do things that take either a lot of time or mental energy. so hopefully i would get a guild that has understanding of certain limitations.

My last game was wow and i have played so many before that its hard to list them all… my favorite was Ultima Online which i think had the best pvp until it was finally wiped out when wow came out due to being able to save your gear so no reward/loss system. i haven’t done much pvp in GW2 but i would like to start with a group rather than trying to figure out how it works on my own… my first WvW was so confusing.

anyway if you like what i have written and match my requirements please let me know. thanks.

Casual adult player lfg on stormbluff isle

in Guilds

Posted by: Lunasun.2491


Hello Xante,

Im a 40-something guild leader;P

I have read your post and wanted to reply and offer you a spot in our small cozy laid back guild, if you dont mind to change servers.
We have members from Europe, the US, and other parts of the world.

We have 55 members atm, and we are steadily growing, but we
still maintain to keep the family feeling.

Most of our members are 18+ right now, I would not mind taking
younger members, as long as it wont be the majority of our roster.

Although we are small, we have a very active group of people
now, we play every day and mostly play together in party.

We have weekly organized WvW/PvP, Dungeons runs, and even Music Night, and our members do all those activities together with other guild members a lot as well.

We use RaidCall to talk, and all actives are on there on a daily basis as well.

Please take a look at our forums:

Guild name: We R In Style
Server: EU Underworld

I would say, give it a try, and who knows, you might like our little crazy bunch!

in game character: Xena Love/Luna Loves, whisper me any time.

Guild Leader of: We R In Style – Server: Underworld

Casual adult player lfg on stormbluff isle

in Guilds

Posted by: Xante.2184


thanks but i would rather not have to change servers unless i become desperate. also i dont mind 1-2 kids but find unless they are very mature for thier age it becomes a mess. looking more for people around my age with a mix of younger and older adults.

Never heard of the that voice program and after using mumble in my last guild i really dont want to learn a new one that may sound like crap. i know people like this or that but i personally have found team-speak the best but vent used more often.

there has to be a few guilds on Stormbluff that fit my stats. hopefully

Casual adult player lfg on stormbluff isle

in Guilds

Posted by: Aiden Corvas.1823

Aiden Corvas.1823

Hello. Im not sure if you are interested, but we have a small guild on Stormbluff I think you might like. The problem is, we are still new guild and small. You can read about us here
on this recruitment thread…and let me know if your interested. Thanks for your time!!

Aiden Corvas
Prince of Time
Clan of the White Crow (Stormbluff Isle)

Casual adult player lfg on stormbluff isle

in Guilds

Posted by: StarsLife.7320


Heya Xante,

If you’re ever interested in a server transfer.. or maybe trying us out through cross server dungeon runs, check us out some time

Jaded[Jade] on Darkhaven is recruiting active, friendly, and mature members and there is no application process. We are a family-style guild looking to form long-term friendships through PvE and PvP. We have active forums and a vent server, which we mostly use for dungeon runs and WvW. We’re a laid back, easy going bunch and are enjoying our Jaded adventures together in GW2!

Things you can expect from joining Jaded:

- Friendly Guildies
- Dungeon parties
- Light PvP, both WvW and Structured
- Constant guild boosts of: 10% Magic Find & 5% Experience boost at all times
- An abnormal love for Quaggans

Jaded is mostly comprised of members between the ages of 18 and 81.
We are most active during North American evenings, mostly East coasters with a current average online between 15-20 players out of 100’ish members.

Take a gander over at our forums over at:

If we sound like the right home for you, introduce yourself at our forums, contact some of us in-game through whispers and/or the in-game mail system. We’ll get back to you asap to answer any questions you may have.

Guild Co-Leader – Vecuu Raine
Guild Co-Leader – Raelin Flameseeker
Guild Treasurer – Shira Nolar
