Checkmate[CM] [PvX] [US] [Sea of Sorrows]

Checkmate[CM] [PvX] [US] [Sea of Sorrows]

in Guilds

Posted by: LordSkorch.9621


Checkmate is usually referred to a situation in a chess game in which one player’s king is threatened with capture and there is no way to meet that threat. So delivering checkmate is the ultimate goal in a chess. Following the same principle as a guild Checkmate Guild embodies discipline, loyalty and coordination.
Checkmate Guild members serves and protect their king, in this case the “King” are the members itself.
Checkmate members are obliged to help one another as they help themselves in achieving their goal.
One of our goals is to “Checkmate” our enemies so the guild is not just active in PvE but we are also competitive in PvP.

Real life history
Checkmate guild was founded by a group of gamers who are highly competitive on role playing games.
Although we are competitive in gaming, most of us do have works and school to attend to so if you are asking, yes we do have a life
Most of the members of the guild are from Philippines, although others are Filipino by blood and are currently living in other countries outside the Philippines. The official guild was founded back in the year 2010 but the pioneer members of Checkmate have known each other long before that. The Pioneer and Founding members of Checkmate are former members/officers of SGX (Sicarius Gaming Extreme) Guild of the Philippines.

What to expect on our guild?
•We do prioritize members before other players so expect alot of helping from us. We help each other in dungeons, gears etc.
•We are a competitive guild so we are active on pve and pvp that’s why we are a [PvX] type of Guild.
•Guild events.

Requirements to join
Willing to help others
Language: English or Filipino

Guild thread rule
All post in this guild thread should be in English and in accordance with the Forum Rules. However you can speak freely in Filipino or any other languages In-Game/Guild Chat/RaidCall as long as it is not defamatory or hateful to other members.

Guild rules
Click here

Past Competitive Realms
Grand Fantasia
Iris Online
Eden Eternal

Competitive Realms
League of Legends (NA)
Guild Wars 2

Official Links
Checkmate Forums: Click here
Facebook group: Click here
RaidCall Group ID: 1319164

What is RaidCall? RaidCall is a voice chat software just like vent but it is much more better when it terms to bandwidth usage. It is like Skype, Mumble, Team Speak or Ventrilo.

Sea of Sorrows
Checkmate [CM]

Checkmate[CM] [PvX] [US] [Sea of Sorrows]

in Guilds

Posted by: mhelshy.1504


sir invite me again dungeon run please TIA

Checkmate[CM] [PvX] [US] [Sea of Sorrows]

in Guilds

Posted by: Raze.6738


We do having fun all times too btw! so expect to laugh everytime! hahahaha

Checkmate[CM] [PvX] [US] [Sea of Sorrows]

in Guilds

Posted by: LordXnoea.1805


hello all and welcome to future Checkmates

Checkmate[CM] [PvX] [US] [Sea of Sorrows]

in Guilds

Posted by: LordAlz.3746


Hands up high Me me me, I am one of the members of this very awesome and cool-like guild.. Never ever regret being a chess piece and part of the tricks and techniques to mate the enemies territory!! Bam, that was random but hey i gotta say something.. Welcome again to our checkered board..

Checkmate[CM] [PvX] [US] [Sea of Sorrows]

in Guilds

Posted by: Judgement.8927


Whoa, a sea of sorrows guild that’s in the USA sign me up for that!

Checkmate[CM] [PvX] [US] [Sea of Sorrows]

in Guilds

Posted by: Storm.3917


hey guys Slyvari Storm here and were in Gates of Madness i got 4 pinoy guildies with me we might move to your server guys to join the CM.

Slyvari Storm – Elementalist
World: Gates Of Madness
Guild: Magdalo Elite Squad

Checkmate[CM] [PvX] [US] [Sea of Sorrows]

in Guilds

Posted by: DooJoon.8240


i hope you guys move to eredon terrace, a low/med pop and still up there on top, we definitely need more oceanic timezone crew

Checkmate[CM] [PvX] [US] [Sea of Sorrows]

in Guilds

Posted by: Rulient.1468


are there a lot of pinoy there? invite me in!! IGN- Rulient mail or pm me!