[DJ] on Isle of Janthir

[DJ] on Isle of Janthir

in Guilds

Posted by: Lord Morval.3092

Lord Morval.3092

Council of Divine Judgement [DJ] is a fresh guild, just came to the server about a week ago and would like to grow into a larger community of good friendly people. We fully understand that there is such a thing as real life and don’t mind casual players, though we are looking to be quite active and appreciate maturity yet letting loose and having fun is never a bad thing so long as it doesn’t get personal as we don’t want guild drama.

Primarily WvW focused we periodically will venture into the PVE world and are more than willing to help with storylines, dungeons and general lvling. We are mixed between US and oceanic time zones and we don’t mind more of either though the guild leaders are Australian based.

Offer both Teamspeak 3 and guild website
First three banner buffs
7 WvW buffs
Art of War 4 is building

Feel free to post here or whisper/mail ingame

[DJ] on Isle of Janthir

in Guilds

Posted by: Lord Morval.3092

Lord Morval.3092

As previously mentioned we are actively recruiting and willing to teach train both new and experienced players in World vs World play. Feel free to write here, or in game mail, /w me in game