Daily mature guy looking for new gld!

Daily mature guy looking for new gld!

in Guilds

Posted by: Inkie Pinkie.9458

Inkie Pinkie.9458

Hi guys,

I play gw2 most every day work permitting, 60 yrs old and long time game player. I am very active in pve, and also wvw with a minor interest in pvp. I have over 4000 achievement points and my main is an ele and also a rgr I use in particular events etc. I like dungeons, bosses, farming a bit (lol). Active in guild chat, use ts or others. Have been a support player since 3 yrs on gw1. Also like the new guild missions and provide support to all activities.

Been in 1 guild since joining but guild is splitting with some going to a wvw only guild and now the guild is going multigame. My idea of fun is not to jump to a new game every 2 weeks. So a guild with real lives, real issues like work, family time etc makes more sense for me. Dont mind playing with young uns but laughing about getting drunk/ high every night not my thing. NYC based in eastern st time, I play most nights 7-12 with daytimes 2 days a week, usually midweek.

I like loyalty in guilds both giving and receiving so this idea of being a permanant guest makes no sense to me. Will spend time looking for right fit and the server is unimportant to me compared to having fun with a team and players I can help.


Daily mature guy looking for new gld!

in Guilds

Posted by: myenchantedlife.3729


One question for you Inkie: Will you marry us?

I will send you a PM in a moment but I think Hedonism is exactly what you are looking for.

Vel/ Nichole
In Game: myenchantedlife.3729
Website: http://hedo.guildportal.com

Vellerana, Guild Leader
Hedonism on Ferguson’s Crossing
Web Site: http://hedo.guildportal.com

Daily mature guy looking for new gld!

in Guilds

Posted by: Fallon.2347


Hello Inkie. I run a guild that is a cross server guild. Our influence primarily on Maguuma and Yak’s bend for guild missions etc. We do not require a 100% rep. I just watch people online and see if they ever rep, participate in guild chat or do stuff with the guild. Since we are a dungeon focused guild, we do not WvW as a guild. We useTeamSpeak 3 for general socializing and communication while running dungeons. Here is my forum thread for the guild: Escape From LA. If you would like to ask any questions about us I am usually online. You are welcome to give us a try and see how you like it. Either way, I hope you find the guild you are searching for.

Escape From L A [EfLA]
Guild Leader
Maguuma – Yak’s Bend

Daily mature guy looking for new gld!

in Guilds

Posted by: SkyChef.5432


I’ll send you a PM shortly.
You can take a look at our PAAA post

People are too serious of their knowledge.

(edited by SkyChef.5432)

Daily mature guy looking for new gld!

in Guilds

Posted by: Third Of Five.8923

Third Of Five.8923


Daily mature guy looking for new gld!

in Guilds

Posted by: DangurXtreme.5093


We are an adult, laid back community of gamers, that have enjoyed many kind of games over the years. We all are now spending a lot of time playing GW2, and would love to see some new members join us. We are slowly growing and you will usually see 3-4 of us on in the evenings. This is a no pressure guild, just fun.

We do a little of everything and are here to have a good time. We treat each other like family, and help out a fellow gamer as much as possible. We have members that love doing Fractals, WvW, and just running around PvE.

We have a ventrilo server up so we can communicate as we play.

Located on Sorrow’s Furnace.

So fill out a request to join, get you vent info, and lets do some conquering!

Please come join the fun!


- DangurXtreme

Guild Leader

Daily mature guy looking for new gld!

in Guilds

Posted by: revx.4378


Hi there Inkie Pinkie,

I might just have the solution for you I would like to introduce you to the PMS|H2O Clan Guild Wars 2 Division.

Below is some generic info about the guild/clan.

The Clan it self is a very international clan and we are looking to expand our numbers in the GW2 division.

If you have more questions, do PM me in the forums or in game for more information.
You may wish to join our forums at www.pmsclan.com and see if PMS|H2O is the community for you.

I hope to see you in game real soon and the best of luck in finding your home in GW2~
Here is a quick low down on us:-

Home World: Yaks Bend
Guild Name: Pandora’s Mighty Soldiers (PMS Clan)[PMS]
Guild Website: http://www.pmsclan.com
In-Game Contact: revx.4378 (though the website is the best way)
Focus: All aspects of GW2
Quick Notes:
Who We Are:
The PMS Clan is the largest and most competitive all-female Clan to-date. PMS stands for Pandora’s Mighty Soldiers, and the Clan is a diverse population of women gamers from all over the world, playing multiple platforms.

Guys, don’t worry, we have the H2O Clan too! The H2O Clan is the male counterpart and brother group to PMS clan, housing some of the most respected and best gamers on the planet.

The GW2 Division was rather recently set up and currently consists of about 16 members. We might be small, but we are a group of core players, and we are really close~

The guild is currently based in Yaks Bend.

What We Do:
We play all aspects of this game.

Where Are We From:
We are from all over~ We have players from the US, UK, even Singapore!

What Can I Do?
*Well first, consider if this is the community for you~
*You may wish to head over to our website PMS Clan and read our member handbook for more information.
*If you feel that you would like to recruit with us, do head on over to the application forums and submit an application .

I hope to see you in game real soon and the best of luck in finding your home in GW2~

PMS|H2O Guild Wars 2 Division Co-Leader

Daily mature guy looking for new gld!

in Guilds

Posted by: WynterRaven.7208


Hello Inkie. I’d like to introduce you to our guild called Blood Raven Nightingales, based on the Ehmry Bay server. We are a small group of like minded players who enjoy PvE, dungeons, events and group adventures. We consist of mostly adults and as such we juggle everyday life with our love of gaming.

The guild is run by myself and my husband. We are Australian and most of the guild is oceanic based BUT we do have a couple of members from the US and we see them often and we group up on weekends for events etc. We would love to expand our guild both here and your side of the world.

We have no dreams of grandeur, we want to stay small, preferring to become more of a group of friends rather than a large guild, yet big enough to ensure that the guild is active and living every day.

We have Vent set up for dungeons and also our own forum website. We don’t use voice chat all the time at this stage it is mainly for when we are doing dungeons or small party explorations of the maps.

If you would like to know more, please do not hesitate to contact me in game. We would really like you to join us.


Wynter Raven

Daily mature guy looking for new gld!

in Guilds

Posted by: Neksis Syxx.6983

Neksis Syxx.6983

Hi Iinkie,

The name of our guild is Just Us Grownups or [JUGs] and we could be just the guild you’re looking for.

We are a very friendly, very casual adult guild who value community above anything else. Everyone in the guild has a great relationship with each other and people are always helping each other out—provided they have the free time.

We are a small—but growing (over 60 members)—guild catering to the 30+ crowd. We are very laid back and just want to game, hang out and avoid drama.

Our guild does have an age requirement in place to keep the environment mature; almost all of our members are men and women between the ages of 30-55. We do allow people 25-30 to apply but their admission must be voted on.

We are primarily a PvE guild but some of us also jump into the WvW realms every now and then.

Our guild is happy to take in members, regardless of experience level. If you want to learn, we’ll answer your questions; if you have knowledge to pass on, we’ll listen.

We’re small, but have been averaging about two new players a day. To be honest, I’d prefer a small guild full of tight-knit members as opposed to a large guild that’s basically comprised of small cliques.

The guild is run with a ‘hands-off’ approach and most matters in the guild are handled by vote. We don’t make demands or requirements other that you have a good time when you’re with us.

In my opinion, a guild’s success is not due to its accomplishments, but of how much people enjoy being a part of it.

All of us have real lives that come first and no one’s going to pressure you in any way to spend more time with the guild than you can.

I created the guild so there would be a good gaming environment free of the tension and drama of the hardcore guilds which are usually comprised of younger players.

We’re on the Jade Quarry server. If you’re not on Jade Quarry, unfortunately, a transfer would be necessary if you’d like to join us. You can, however, feel free to try us out as a guest. You could join our guild, share in our guild chat channel, run dungeons with us, talk to us on our Ventrilo server, and see what we’re like—the only thing you wouldn’t be able to do is participate in WvW combat with us. It’s like ‘leasing with the option to buy.’

We have both Ventrilo and Mumble voice servers. We also have a feature-rich website where you can create and co-ordinate events that other members can sign up for.

If you’re interested, you can fill out an application on our site: http://jugs-guild.com or, if you have any questions, feel free to send me a message through these forums.

Good luck in finding a guild!

~ Neksis

P.S. Here is our recruiting post on these forums.


Just Us Grown Ups [JUGs] – http://jugs-guild.com
Contact: Neksis Syxx.6983 Archranis.2375

Daily mature guy looking for new gld!

in Guilds

Posted by: Inkie Pinkie.9458

Inkie Pinkie.9458

Thanks for those that replied. I am still looking over each of the guilds im interested in. Will keep all informed as I make a decision.


Daily mature guy looking for new gld!

in Guilds

Posted by: CGUdemon.2786


Check out Crimson Guards United here:


Help us grow on our facebook and youtube and twitch so we can give more back to the fans and members.

Daily mature guy looking for new gld!

in Guilds

Posted by: Tyrandei.8794


Hello Inkie

I’ve sent you a PM about a guild. Hope i will be hearing from you soon.


Daily mature guy looking for new gld!

in Guilds

Posted by: Inkie Pinkie.9458

Inkie Pinkie.9458

Hi guys, I have found a new home and I appreciate the responses.

Daily mature guy looking for new gld!

in Guilds

Posted by: Fire Opal.8137

Fire Opal.8137

We have people of many ages in the guild
I am leaving info on guild
We hope you will come join the Wolf Pack
Thank you for your interest by opening this page and reading it.

WOLF was created in 2005

We are very proud that even with our up and downs, great times and sad times, that we have endeavored to continue to thrive and continue to exist.
We invite you to visit our guild and talk with us either in game or on vent. What would it hurt? We are a mature group of people that enjoy playing MMOs and other games. We are all working class people and/or university students and/or have families to take care of. We are mainly North American times zones from one end to the other, but have a few Canadains, Euros from England, Finland and other areas that came with us from Guild Wars(so International guild). We log on to have fun and relax, so I am guessing you would consider us a casual guild. We have people may do one or a mixture of all; Pve, Pvp, dungeons, and Wvw. We will help and guide new players to the game and old players with what we can. We dont ask for special equipment for pvp, pve, and dungeons or build. We work with what you can bring. We don’t want to make the game a job, because that not what games are for. We are slowly rebuilding the guild at this time. We are looking for people, willing to help us grow. We are friendly and will do what we can or when we can for others in the guild. We enjoy new people, thoughts and ideas. Each new person brings a special gift or unique quality to add to the guild. We truly hope that you will join us and give us a try.

We do have vent and a forum; Our forum is: http://wolfdemontribe.enjin.com/
We are now at 112 members and officers in the guild and growing more and more each day. We are upgrading to Level 5 upgrades.

We are also looking for new officers in the guild, but we will have to talk. If you like to play other on-line games, we have guildies that may may be playing the games your playing also. Such as (League of legends, Steam games, World of Warcraft, Aion, Tera, Starcraft, Diablo 2, 3) and much more. So I figure we can be considered a gaming (community, guild, or group).

Fire Opal
Lady of the Guild

Note add to friends list, most likely on an Alt char