Jaded.boards.net – Your future home
(edited by Vecuu.2018)
Jaded[Jade] is recruiting active, friendly, and mature members! We are a family-style guild looking to form long-term friendships through PvE and PvP. We have a forum and a vent.
Things you can expect from joining Jaded:
-friendly Guildies
-dungeon parties
-light PvP, both WvW and Structured
-an abnormal love for Quaggans
Some of our Guild Boosts include:
-10% Magic Find boost at all times
-5% Experience boost at all times
-15% Karma Boost on Saturdays for your Jugs of Karma
-Guild Stash, Treasure Trove, and Deep Cave all unlocked
Jaded is mostly comprised of members between the ages of 18 and 81.
We are most active during North American evenings.
Take a gander over at our forums over at:
If we sound like the right home for you, you can either mention it here, introduce yourself at our forums, contact some of us in-game through whispers or the mail system, or combine several of these options.
Guild Co-Leaders:
- Vecuu Raine
- Raelin Flameseeker
- Shira Nolar
-Duh General
-Rosette Wildthorn
-Takiya Delyll
We look forward to meeting you all!
(edited by Vecuu.2018)
This guild sounds amazing. I’m definitely interested. 1 question though. Do you all have a Guild Armorer? I’ve been having a hard time finding a guild with one -.-. All I want is a Guild Backpack for my Engi.
in Guilds
Posted by: AeroBlaze.6581
Im actually looking. Im a lvl 31 warrior. Im active and always up for guild activities. Add me “AeroBlaze”
I’m glad to have you join us, Aero.
We have a couple of capped Warrior’s who are pretty knowledgeable if you have any questions.
(edited by Vecuu.2018)
in Guilds
Posted by: Smithfather.6705
I checked out your forums and am very interested in your guild. It looks like it might be a great fit for me, although I’m concerned that my love for Quaggans might not be abnormal enough. I guess we’ll just have to see…
I should be online tonight. I’ll try to send a whisper to one of the officers. My character is Grintak Steelfang.
I wouldn’t worry too much about Quaggans: they’re just cute.
If you can’t get in touch with us via PMs, feel free to send us in-game mail.
(edited by Vecuu.2018)
Just a quick reminder: even though you can only do it once ever 24 hours, Server Transfers are still free, so if you think Jaded would be a good match for you feel free to contact us, even if you’re not currently on Darkhaven.
We like to keep friends together as well, so if you like the sound of Jaded, tell your friends about us, and join us as a group!
(edited by Vecuu.2018)
in Guilds
Posted by: CheekyBaboon.7495
Hai Jaded! I’ve been lurking around the forums here and ran into your post and checked out your own guild forums and whatnot. Hadn’t joined a guild and figured might as well do so now. I’m a casual gamer.. so yeah.
IGN: Riklaunim
We’ve had a large number of recruits in the past few days!
I just wanted to welcome everyone to the family.
I haven’t updated this thread recently.
We are are still seeking friendly members to chit-chat and play with.
Hey, I’ve checked out your forum, and I’d like to join your guild. You seem like the sort of group I’d like to game with. I just signed up on your forum. :]
Welcome to all of our newcomers, and I hope Jaded continues to be accessible to friendly players all across Tyria.
Just reminding everyone that Jaded is certainly still recruiting friendly members!
Updated the first post to reflect the fact that we have perpetual guild Magic Find and Experience boost.
Welcome to the guild, Shadowmouse!
Jaded is still open for business.
Hey Guys,
I’m a lv 68 Elementalist and would like to join your guild
Glad to have you with us, Artesia.
I am new to the game and your guild sounds very interesting to me. I come from a background of hardcore raiding in WOW in the early days to light raiding currently in Rift and Wow. I have grown bored with both those games and am looking for a new start with a great game gw2. Currently leveling a Charr warrior 23, if you guys would be interested in having me, help me learn the game, i would love to talk to you.
Thanks for reading,
Glad to have you with us, Zorlax!
I hope you feel at home.
We are still recruiting.
A happy Thanksgiving to you all from Jaded!
We will be recruiting continuously throughout the rest of the Holidays
Wintersday is coming soon!
Our family would love to have you for the occasion.
Trying to procrastinate on that final project for the semester? Join Jaded! We’ll procrastinate for you!
Definitely an amazing guild. This is one of the best groups I’ve worked with across quite a few different games.
I used to be in this guild before I transferred servers to be with a IRL friend, and all I can say is if your looking for a friendly guild with a family feeling on Darkhaven, this is the one!
Thanks, Stawker, that really means a lot.
Best of luck with your WvW endeavors!
We are still recruiting friendly members of all levels and professions
I also edited the main post to reflect our guild benefits and leaders more concisely.
(edited by Vecuu.2018)
Finals getting you down? Join Jaded!
We are still recruiting members looking for a home.
Tixx has landed near the Pale Tree!
If you’re looking for a group to check out his Infinirarium in the Grove, check us out!
Hey, hey.
So, I would totally completely love to join your guild. You sound wonderfully silly.
in Guilds
Posted by: EmoLooney.5186
I’ll send you pie if I’m allowed to join.
Get your pie ready.
You guys seem friendly and are actually active on your forums (I lurked a wee bit). I am in a guild on JQ but there’s not a whole lot of activity late at night when I routinely play (>12am EST). They also completed 100% exploration and all dungeon paths ages ago so nothing is new to them anymore which takes some of the fun out of it for someone who doesn’t want to hold them back from rushing through an instance. My closest friends are also on a break from the game.
So I’m looking for a group with members active when I play, with a great sense of (adult) humour, and wouldn’t mind allowing a cross-server multi-guild player join up for dungeons, possibly tempting him (and his closest friends) to jump servers for co-op storyline and dailies PvE play.
in Guilds
Posted by: circusfreak.2403
I have switched servers. Please invite! I registered on the webiste. Toon names that I can spell off hand.. Svevidd, Clawd Silvermane, Khata Klysm…that should do. Look forward to hearing from Jaded!!!!
A happy Wintersday to everybody from Jaded! We hope your holidays were as grand as ours.
in Guilds
Posted by: Caramel Ham.4891
If you guys are still looking. My gf and I are looking for a friendly guild. We are not super active players (as in, play everyday) but we play whenever real life allows. If you guys don’t mind that, then please send invite to:
“Caramel Ham” and “Pinky Bear”
in Guilds
Posted by: Romeofalls.5974
Id love to join if possible.
Sounds good to me. My engineer uses the same name as these forums.
I’d love to join! My character’s name is Zuhoko, he’s a necromancer. I hope to get an invite soon.
Hi, I started playing this game recently, and i have been looking for a guild and this guild sounds great. Could you Pm me if i could join?
I hope you’re all doing well in the new year and will consider looking towards Jaded for your new home.
Jaded is still looking for friendly and mature members!
in Guilds
Posted by: Lurid Prayer.2145
I’m glad you mentioned the “abnormal love for Quaggans” as this is the heart of every Jaded member’s being. If it wasn’t why did I pick the Quaggan story path?
Go Quaggans!
With classes starting up again, I’ve neglected this thread too much.
Free World Transfers will be coming to an end soon! If you’re looking for a home away from home, join us on Darkhaven!
I have a few questions. What dungeons do you all usually run? How many active members?
Jaded had a lot of fun in WvW last night after reset, including Ninjaing GoM’s Garrison in their Borderlands
(edited by Vecuu.2018)
Jaded has been working hard on building up our Guild Missions, at the moment, we have the Guild Bounty unlocked and have had a good bit of fun with it.
I also updated the main post to represent our expanding officer base.
in Guilds
Posted by: takkattak.1974
Come join us for super fun in the BOX!
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