Death Squad Elite recruiting

Death Squad Elite recruiting

in Guilds

Posted by: simzy.2417


Death Squad Elite was founded back at the beginning of Guild Wars and was once again started in Guild Wars 2 on the Dragonbrand Server.
We are a small guild looking to expand more, we do PvE, Dungeons(both story and explorable) and Fractals. We help each other out whenever possible whether it be trying to kill a champion for a daily or even complete an entire zone. We do not mind which server you are on as Tyria is a big place and people are all over the realms. We have a teamspeak 3 server which we use for best coordination in dungeon’s/fractals or even just general chat.

If this sounds like the perfect guild for you, then either post a reply or message me ingame, rslink.9701 or spiritkiss.4953 for more info.