Exalted Order is a guild focused on WvWvW. We do enjoy PvE although and have a good amount of players actively dungeon running and PLing lower members. We require all members to have Ventrilo. You don’t have to speak, but you have to listen when WvWvWing. Most of us are Daoc vets so we live and breath RvR. We are a very tight well organized group of players. Currently we have around 35 members and 10+ levels 80s. We are also collecting funds for the commander buff. We are currently recruiting all classes, but would love to have some more mesmers, guardians, and necros. If you enjoy organized WvWvW please send one of our officers a tell.
Website and forums are currently in the works.
Officers to contact- Seige, Smitten, Exolin, Auryn or Hidden.
AD(Anonymous Defender)- Devonas Rest
The orginal Fairy tank