(Dragonbrand) Hardcore Gamers Radio [HGR] PvX based recruiting

(Dragonbrand) Hardcore Gamers Radio [HGR] PvX based recruiting

in Guilds

Posted by: simzy.2417


We are an online volunteer radio station based in Guild Wars 2 but branch in to other games, we decided to make a guild as somewhere for us to meet new people and help others out, we have a teamspeak 3 server, guild forum and many active members from all over the world. We treat the guild as a guild and do not force our station upon them meaning that the guild is seperate from the station but shares the name, we have members of all races and classes so whisper Simzy.2471, Puddin Cheeks.8539 or look on the website at http://hardcoregamersradio.com for the staff members who can also invite.