Dungeon Guild - The Forgotten Troop [TFT]

Dungeon Guild - The Forgotten Troop [TFT]

in Guilds

Posted by: Greekman.7215


The Forgotten Troop was founded by a small group of friends who like to run dungeons. We are now looking to expand our community to include more people who enjoy similar aspects of the game. We are based on the Sea of Sorrows server although we are open to members from all servers (it’s nice to have multiple options when trying to get into a dungeon that might be locked).

We formed the guild after finding that most guilds did not suit our needs. They were usually too large or focused on other aspects of the game such as WvW. Although we sometimes like to explore other parts of the game we prefer to spend most of our time in dungeons.

What do we do?
-We run dungeons.
-We run fractals.

What times are we online?
-Currently all our members reside in North America
-We are usually on from about 4pm-10pm PST on weekdays. (4pm being the daily dungeon reset time).
-Weekends you will find us on earlier in the day.

What positions are available within the guild?
-New members will be given the opportunity to move up in ranks and gain new responsibilities and privileges depending on if they: 1. Are a good fit. 2. Want to take on a bigger role within our community.

What do we offer?
-We are currently in the process of expanding our guild upgrades.
-For now we always have 10% magic find up and are looking to increase our perks as we gain more members.

What do we expect from members?
-To run dungeons. Obviously you do not have to run dungeons every time you are on. We like to participate in other aspects of the game but your focus should be running dungeons.

How often do I need to play?
-We want active members that can help our community grow. At the same time most of us have jobs and/or families and we know that gaming isn’t always the #1 priority. That being said we want our members to be on anywhere from daily to at least weekly. Obviously the more a person contributes to our community the higher their status will be within it.

Do we do anything else?
-Yes, we sometimes dabble in other activities but not frequently. Our main focus is, of course, running dungeons.

Do I have to represent the guild?
-Yes. We would prefer to keep the guild small and focused. In order to do that we want our members representing our guild whenever possible. We do understand that you may sometimes want to represent another guild (for example completing your monthly WvW requirements) but you should be representing most of the time.

Are there age restrictions?
No but we are trying to foster a positive guild environment with members being both helpful and respectful. Currently all our members are 18+ but we are not restricting membership to anyone that would be a good fit.

How can I contact TFT in game?
-Whisper or send in game mail to Mike Goldberg (me), Joerogan, or Shira Nui.

(edited by Greekman.7215)

Dungeon Guild - The Forgotten Troop [TFT]

in Guilds

Posted by: ItWasTheBestYouCouldDo.2987


You can also contact me, Joerogan.

Dungeon Guild - The Forgotten Troop [TFT]

in Guilds

Posted by: domxnik.1453


Sounds nice. How active are members though?

Anvixy- 80 Ranger

Dungeon Guild - The Forgotten Troop [TFT]

in Guilds

Posted by: Greekman.7215


Responded in game.

Dungeon Guild - The Forgotten Troop [TFT]

in Guilds

Posted by: Zenith.8025


I will join, will contact u in game

Dungeon Guild - The Forgotten Troop [TFT]

in Guilds

Posted by: Greekman.7215


Updated Information

Dungeon Guild - The Forgotten Troop [TFT]

in Guilds

Posted by: Greekman.7215


Looking to start the new year with a bigger community.

Dungeon Guild - The Forgotten Troop [TFT]

in Guilds

Posted by: anastziatas.8560


Are you Greek??

Dungeon Guild - The Forgotten Troop [TFT]

in Guilds

Posted by: Greekman.7215


Yes, what gave that away?

We are a North American guild though.

Dungeon Guild - The Forgotten Troop [TFT]

in Guilds

Posted by: Dracula.1709


Hey, Greekman. Contact me in game if you would. Vinnlander is my characters name.