Dungeoneering Masters [LFG] - EU

Dungeoneering Masters [LFG] - EU

in Guilds

Posted by: Malbidion.7381


Pretty much what the title says. Started it today due to not being able to find a group for CoF p3 for a straight 5 days now neither in-game or on gw2lfg.com. Join us if you feel like doing some dungeons. People from all servers welcome to create a good community for those who want to achieve Dungeon Master. PM Malbidion.7381 in-game for invite(first few get officer for recruiting, which I’m planning to do massively)

Dungeoneering Masters [LFG] - EU

in Guilds

Posted by: DedalNort.3627


We are still looking for new people. NO MORE “Cof p1 full zerker war only (gear check!)” Dungeons are for everyone and we are here to help.