Looking for Guards, Warriors, & Mesmers!
Apply today at: http://tinyurl.com/gunsquad
(edited by Evalana.5480)
Elephant Ambush [EA] on Dragonbrand wants YOU to help us build a stronger army!
An excellent WvW guild with all sorts of shiny weapons and witty banter, on a World (Dragonbrand) with a community that is friendly and helpful. (Ugh! Cut the cliche’s and get to the point, Eva!)
We have FUN when in WvW! We also do SOME PvE to cut the monotony, however we are looking for ACTIVE WvWers to join our family. We have about 130 members right now, with a VERY strong core. Several of our folks have been playing together for MANY years, but even as a newbie, once you get here, you are instantly a part of our family! We use VENT as our primary voice communication, and also have access to the Dragonbrand MUMBLE server.
But don’t take my word for it! Try us out! If you’re not on Dragonbrand, NO PROBLEM! Transfers are FREE for 7 more days!! Come join us!
Check the links for some videos that one of our awesome members have put together for us! <3
For more information, message me here on the forums, or send me a whisper or mail in-game! Evalana.5480
You’ll be happy you did!!
(edited by Evalana.5480)
Bump. Bump bump… Bumpity bump.
what times/Timezone are you playing?
would be happy to join you if you have still lvling guys? cause i started now and i am a Sylvari Thief[lvl 38
any TS or smth like that?
We have many time zones available, lot of us are east cost though we have west coast and even some Euro players. Our night commanders are very good though are weakest time is morning. We welcome all levels and will help you achieve whatever goals you want.
I believe mostly EST, but there are usually several people on.
We have several ‘lowbies’, and people that are leveling characters. They’re not as powerful, but we were all low level at some point, we just ask that you bring your highest level out on the hard-hitting WvW nights.
We use Ventrilo for communication.
And for voice Communication we use ventrillo
Also if you want to come check us out ask eva or me for vent info and come talk to us in person.
I’m usually online after 5pm EST on weekdays and throughout the day on weekends. Message me on the forums, or in game, or send me a whisper if you catch me on! We also have a guildlaunch site if you would like to check it out.
Join today i love this guild, good players and good fun !
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