[EU] LF Dungeon-Running (and not only) Guild

[EU] LF Dungeon-Running (and not only) Guild

in Guilds

Posted by: Antediluvian.5169


(Currently a lvl 80 elementalist, but I’m also starting to level up engineer, thief and guardian.)

I’ve been looking for a guild that does, among other things, organised dungeon runs. Having a certain days per week schedule looks ideal. Also, it doesn’t really matter which dungeons they run, I would be happy to experience all of them. Overall, my amount of free time is quite large, but I’m most definitely active during semi-late hours. (You’ll find me on during any time probably, but night time is the sure bet)

Note, the guild need not specialize in dungeon runs, but I would mainly sign up for this. Since I guess it would be PvE-focused, I would be willing to help with other things such as exploration, since I’ve ‘Been there. Done that’. (I plan to join a WvWvW/PvP-focused guild as well once I settle on a server, but I will be always be representing one of the 2 guilds whenever I am in its corresponding environment, pve or pvp)

Currently in Gandara, but I’m willing to transfer to any EU server.

I can outrun a centaur.

[EU] LF Dungeon-Running (and not only) Guild

in Guilds

Posted by: genericperson.2715


Hello Antediluvian,

I’m part of a expatriate guild based on the GMT +1 timezone. We are a smaller group of folks, mainly co-workers, that play during the evenings and weekends. We do all aspects of the game and currently working on helping each other through the story mode dungeons and getting into WvW. We use Mumble as our voice communication of choice. We are based on the NA server Sanctum of Rall. If you are interested our contact information is in my signature.

Sartin Darksword
Founder, Iron Hand Legion

[EU] LF Dungeon-Running (and not only) Guild

in Guilds

Posted by: QTRKOBRA.1827


Hey Antediluvian, (god thats a long name I’ll call you Ant :P)

Ant if you’re looking for a WvW server I’d be happy to let you join my guild, we’re a new guild but we’re hoping to organize ourselves and the server, we’ve got about 15 members. Desolation Border Guardians, DBG is a guild that as we gain more members will focus on all aspects on the game, however our main focus is WvWvW. It is an English speaking guild, members are welcome from all regions. My character is Sythus Arkane if you want to pm me and I hope you consider joining us! If you have any questions please dont hesitate to ask,