[Ehmry Bay] MadCast Gaming: Enlist Today! PvX

[Ehmry Bay] MadCast Gaming: Enlist Today! PvX

in Guilds

Posted by: PoisonTaco.4025


MadCast Gaming

We are currently looking for new members to join our ranks in Guild Wars 2. If you are interested in joining our guild, or if you would like to follow up with me for some questions either post below in the thread, contact me via PM or send me some mail in-game (in-game name is Poison Taco. Yes there is a space)

Primary Timezone: US East.
Server: Ehmry Bay

Quick Summary: MadCast is a gaming community that spans multiple games and aims to provide a great experience to both members and guests who stop by.

Website: http://www.madcastgaming.com

About MadCast

Back in 2007, MadCast was founded on two basic principles. It would be a gaming community that would be bigger than just one game and it would be a community that doesn’t live or die based off a single leader or a handful of admins at the top. We get into games based on the interests of our community and our hard working admins are picked by our members. Since 2007, we have been involved in Battlefield 2142, Call of Duty 4, Team Fortress 2, Battlefield: Bad Company 2, Left 4 Dead, Brink, Call of Duty: Black Ops, World of Warcraft, Battlefield 3, League of Legends, Heroes of Newerth, Star Wars: The Old Republic, Minecraft, Dota 2 and more. We have experience in running successful servers, competitive teams and MMO guilds. Our currently played games include League of Legends, Dota 2, Tribes: Ascend and Diablo 3. With admins hosting events in those games as well as others, there’s always something to do and someone to play with. Back in May we ran a very successful LoL tournament with 11 teams, and we are looking to go bigger and better in the future. Right now we’re expanding into Planetside 2 and Guild Wars 2.

What sets us apart from other gaming clans/guilds/communities is that we have a very strong focus on our website and teamspeak. When you have a community with gamers who play various types of games, there’s going to be others you won’t see playing the same game as you. Our site is what brings everyone together and if you’re not active on our forums and on the site in general you’re missing out on a lot. For starters it’s a great place to meet everyone and more importantly you stay in the know of what’s going on. We’re currently upgrading and adding new features.

MadCast in Guild Wars 2

In Guild Wars 2 we run nightly dungeon runs and participate in World vs World. We cover all aspects of the game, whether it be in PvE or PvP. In addition we host regular events in Guild Wars 2 to try and bring in the entire community for a night of fun. We emphasize community, so being active in guild chat and getting to know your guildies is important.

How to Join the Guild

If you want to join the guild, the best way is to register on our forums , introduce yourself and say you’re interested in joining our guild. From there someone will track you down and get you an invite. Or you can simply get a hold of me (contact info at the top) and I’ll get you in asap.

Joining MadCast

Being a Full Member isn’t required for being part of our guild, but it does have a lot of benefits. It’s there for people who want to have a community to be a part of. Full Members get priority access to events, first dibs in giveaways and plenty of other perks and opportunities both within games and community wide. More information on becoming a Full Member is available on our site.


Thanks for taking your time to go through this thread. I know it’s a lot to cover, and if you want you’re more than welcome to hop on teamspeak and join us in some games and get a feel for the community. Guests are always welcome to join us both in regular games as well as events.

[Ehmry Bay] MadCast Gaming: Enlist Today! PvX

in Guilds

Posted by: Stripper.6405


Come visit our website or contact us in-game. Great group of people to play GW2 with and we play multiple games too (as most people do) so you can find other people in other games that you play as well.

[Ehmry Bay] MadCast Gaming: Enlist Today! PvX

in Guilds

Posted by: Cinchil.2871


Doing the Halloween event now. We’d love to have you all join us.

[Ehmry Bay] MadCast Gaming: Enlist Today! PvX

in Guilds

Posted by: Slashftw.6307


were a community of fun, gaming loving people looking for more players to join us on our amazing, epic and wondrous adventures through Tyria and beyond, you know what they say, the more players you have the more awesome the adventures become! so come check us out

[Ehmry Bay] MadCast Gaming: Enlist Today! PvX

in Guilds

Posted by: Khaos.8271


The MadCast guild is more than a guild, it is a community of like minded, fun loving gamers. Join us in game and on our forums if you are looking for a great group of people to run with.

[Ehmry Bay] MadCast Gaming: Enlist Today! PvX

in Guilds

Posted by: Sleepcoma.9487


I’ve been enjoying the Halloween event and have been running guildmates through the scavenger hunt event to get the cool, spooky book item. I’ll be advertising at the NPC in Lion’s Arch prior to the next run so that we can make sure anyone who is interested in the event has a chance to do it.

[Ehmry Bay] MadCast Gaming: Enlist Today! PvX

in Guilds

Posted by: GUNZ BLAZING.7824


I am loving this guild, we have active members on all the time and everyone is so friendly! If you need help with anything there is always someone there and willing to help!

The Halloween event is going great i have the first book because of help from the guild and phase 2 comes out today and Im pumped to see what it is!!

see you on GW!

[Ehmry Bay] MadCast Gaming: Enlist Today! PvX

in Guilds

Posted by: Slashftw.6307


Halloween and the Mad King are still going strong through Tyria and so are we! We’ve being fighting back the mad king and his candy monster army all week, and would be happy to let anyone hop in and join us. So if your interested in fighting some ghost and candy monsters or even just doing some regular stuff like World v World, Structured PvP or Dungeons we would be glad to have you with us, so check us out and join us on our adventures throughout the world of Guild Wars 2.

[Ehmry Bay] MadCast Gaming: Enlist Today! PvX

in Guilds

Posted by: Gizmo.8947


So… You play/want to play in Ehmry bay… You don’t have a guild… You would like to be able to easily get groups in WvW/sPvP or just have fun in PvE and do jumping puzzles… Sounds like you need a guild!
Get one today!
For only a small bi-monthly fee of $0.00 you can join this great guild!
Get it now while supplies last.
P.S. Guildies get all the love.

[Ehmry Bay] MadCast Gaming: Enlist Today! PvX

in Guilds

Posted by: mrfireball.9061


Hey all, If you’re on Ehmry Bay and looking for a group to join, join up with these guys here! We’re an awesome group, always active, always looking for things to do, from leveling, map completion, Halloween events to SPVP and WvW! Take a look, if we like what you see, we’d be delighted to have you join us!

[Ehmry Bay] MadCast Gaming: Enlist Today! PvX

in Guilds

Posted by: Cinchil.2871


We are still openly recruiting for our groups! Come check us out at www.madcastgaming.com