Elite Guard of Tyria

Elite Guard of Tyria

in Guilds

Posted by: Justin.7163


Hey everyone!

I’m here on behalf of my guild, the Elite Guard of Tyria (EGot), to invite players to join our guild.

Currently there are only three of us (yes, three) but we are a tight-knit guild who are looking for other like-minded people who enjoy every aspect of the game. Though we have nothing against the larger guilds, we feel that a smaller guild allows for more player interaction without getting lost in the fray. We do everything from casual PVE to higher end PVE including Fractals and Dungeons and hope to eventually start doing some guild missions.

If you are interested in joining our guild (or would like more info) feel free to message myself, or the other two members (sirgreydono aka proudtinkerer flakk – leader, PK Vlad – officer).

We accept anyone who is casual or hardcore, but we place importance on respecting one another so please keep that in mind before you consider.