Eredon Terrace WvW Movement

Eredon Terrace WvW Movement

in Guilds

Posted by: Gwyn.6412


Some friends and I have moved from Kaineng (currently tier 2 server), in hopes of getting some WvW going! My previous guild was mainly for PvE, which I heavily focused on getting my legendary, fused ascended gear, and commander. We currently have two commanders with no army. I began running with the top guilds since there was no room for me to command with my average sized guild. I did manage to learn a few things here and there and I look forward to change the tide of battle in Eredon Terrace! If you wish to be a part in this movement, send me some mail in game and I’ll get back to you ASAP. Thanks ET for being very welcoming and making me a part of the Eredon Terrace Alliance.
