Fort-Aspenwood/[DPS] Deep Penetrations
FA's Deep Penetrations[DPS] the Asian guild
Fort-Aspenwood/[DPS] Deep Penetrations
Bump for a great guild who needs more players in SEA regions!
Come WvW with them!
Fort Aspenwood
(edited by IRSyKo.5843)
DPS is a great group o´ players!
If you are looking for a nice group of players in your area this is the one to join!
Fort Aspenwood
Reticle [RET]
Fought these guys when they were still on IoJ. Strong group of players.
Character name: Azilyi
Anyone living in the Asian time zone and looking for a guild to move to should consider DPS. Awesome group of people and there on an awesome W3 dedicated server.
Fort Aspenwood – the PvP server
I love deep penetrati….. that’s gonna sound dirty. [DPS] is fighting the good fight for FA so if you are looking for a home definitely consider them as a destination.
Bump for a great guild that needs more SEA players to join to fight the good fight.
Cool guise who don’t afraid of anything.
Fort Aspenwood
Thanks guys we are getting bigger now got 12 additional members we are about to hit 400 hopefully we can get more loyal PH/ASIAN players..
We are still open guys..
Noodle i say.
Fort-Aspenwood/[DPS] Deep Penetrations
Great players. Great noodles. Great penetration. Look these guys up if you are trying to find a guild of PH/Asian players.
Last words – “I’m going to jump off this cliff
and pull all those guys down cuz they’ll die.”
would join based on name alone
everyone could do with a little more penetration
Great guild to fight alongside. Always people to fight in this time slot for sure.
80 Elementalist
A great guild to join if you play during their time slot.
Awesome group to WvW with. Have known many of their members since launch. If you’re an active player looking for a guild on during SEA times, DPS is a great guild to go with.
Wanted to give these guys a bump. I play on FA with them and they are high quality and growing.
Last words – “I’m going to jump off this cliff
and pull all those guys down cuz they’ll die.”
Want to give these guys a bump after a great night of WvW with them.
Bump for the homies in DPS.
these guys have been putting in some solid work for FA’s SEA timezone!
DPS has been a tremendous help in improving FA’s SEA time coverage. Would highly recommend them for anyone looking for a home
some information for fort aspenwood’s general wvw community which DPS has become an important and extremely valuable part
DPS made a tremendous push over the past few weeks, helping FA beat their archrival TC last week and finish second in their tier two match. If you play in the SEA time slot and are looking for a new home, DPS would be a great guild to take a look at.
hi guys DPS is still open to those who wants to join us…
pure fun WvW experience
you can check this video on how we do WvW
Fort Aspenwood