[FC] LF casual guild for dungeons/PVE
We are on Sorrow’s Furnace if you are interested in switching.
We are an adult, laid back community of gamers, that have enjoyed many kind of games over the years. We all are now spending a lot of time playing GW2, and would love to see some new members join us. We are slowly growing and you will usually see 3-4 of us on in the evenings. This is a no pressure guild, just fun.
We do a little of everything and are here to have a good time. We treat each other like family, and help out a fellow gamer as much as possible. We have members that love doing Fractals, WvW, and just running around PvE.
We have a ventrilo server up so we can communicate as we play.
So fill out a request to join, get you vent info, and lets do some conquering!
Please come join the fun!
- DangurXtreme
Guild Leader
If you ever decide to switch to any server, come join us at Sea of Sorrows.
Greetings, fellow gamer! Read on and get to know our mature multi-gaming community!
Server: Sea of Sorrows (Previous: Sorrow’s Furnace)
Guild: Fever Clan [FC]
Focus: PvE (Some PvP/WvW) – This may change in the future.
Community Website: www.feverclan.com
Team Speak Server: ts.feverclan.com
In-game Contact: Arbitrium.9716
Timezone: Any. We will aim to keep the guild active at all times.
Goals in the game:
- To help ease in newbies in the game as Guild Wars 2 can be overwhelming and to get them up to par with the rest of the members.
- We will provide dungeon runs with any necessary dungeons for our members without the use of exploits.
- To finish as much PvE content Guild Wars 2 has to offer.
- The number of active members are currently low, but help us grow and the rest will follow! (I did not mean for that to rhyme)
- Respect guild-mates and non-guild members. Not doing so will result in removal from the guild.
- Exploiters/cheaters are not tolerated in our community. A ban is immediately put into place if you’re ever caught.
- You are required to represent Fever Clan [FC] while participating in guild events or general activities with the guild members.
- You must be at least 16 years of age to join.
I recommend visiting the Guild Wars 2 section in our forum for more information and updates!
Thank you for checking us out. Happy gaming!
(edited by Arbitrium.9716)
Hey there. My guild runs PVE events on weeknights and weekends. We focus on the Dungeon Master achievement by running all paths (and not just the fast ones). We have a policy of traditional content completion, free of mob skipping and exploits. You’ll find that running with us is a very different experience from many guilds and most PUGs.
If you can’t find what you are looking for message me and I will get you in [WISP]. We fit what you are looking for. We are on CD but with guesting it is not a problem.