Fantasy Earth Zero is recruiting

Fantasy Earth Zero is recruiting

in Guilds

Posted by: Thelia.3592


Fantasy Earth Zero is made up of a former guild (Rebirth for those who knew us) from that game which has remained together over 4 years despite FEZ closing down. We have core and active group of players over ventrilo who like to have a bit of fun as much as they game. We have no requirements to join (Don’t even care if you are on ET server we have players spread across a few servers) and our only real rule has been don’t be an giantkitten which seems to work out rather well.

We WvW, SPVP, PVE, Dungeon run; literally we do every aspect of this game and are for any level of player from hardcore to casual

We just set up our forums last week because we have two 60+ member guilds in two games atm and want to give a place for the non ventrilo users of both to mingle. On the forums we do $100 worth of events each month, example this week we did raffles for a humble bundle pack, torchlight 1, 3 copies of torchlight 2, and 3 indie games. Our forums are open to any member wishing to become a part of the overall Rebirth guild, not just those in our GW2 guild

So if we sound interesting to you whisper one of our members: Thelia Daggerspell, Mirose, Dalrith, Thalius; in game and well get you an invite sent or join our forums

Thelia Daggerspell- Mesmer
Maelwaed -Guardian

(edited by Thelia.3592)

Fantasy Earth Zero is recruiting

in Guilds

Posted by: Mirrei.5840


sad that FEZ shutted down =(

Fantasy Earth Zero is recruiting

in Guilds

Posted by: Rise.9702


OMG! Was you guys in Horde? I think I remember you guys! xD I was in Gev though haha. Horde always top with Ces. I miss that game so much. [Actually one of my faves games. Was extremely sad when it shut down.] Good times…!

You sir are a Scholar and Gentlekitten.