Far Shiverpeaks (EU), The Conclave, [PvX]
I joined the Conclave after a friend of mine whom i used to play Aion with told me about it. Turned out to be a wonderful gang of lighthearted and social gang of people who have a wonderful sense of humor and helps me out with whatever it may be. I can also ask about anything, either on TS or on the guilds forums and i always get the information i need.
This guild is both for experienced “hardcore” gamers and for casual players alike.
So if you want to have fun and meet a wonderful bunch of people then the Conclave is the way to go.
Indeed, welcome to the community Aribeth. It’s great to see someone who’s only been around for a week or so already being such an active and an integral part of the [CC] community
Welcome to The Conclave!
Welcome to you Aribeth from playing with you I can definitely say that you fit in great and the fact that you have already made your first event is a great thing, although it is for the wrong game Who even plays that weird game know as GW1? Oh, I promised to join that event
I guess I will just go do what I came here for, writing my second post in this thread this time about my actual experience in The Conclave.
This week I suddenly became aware of the fact that I have now been in The Conclave for 3 months. For me it has been an incredible journey so let me tell you a story.
When I joined I had either one or two level 80 characters. Though I did have that much I was very green in most other areas of the game. Dungeons, WvW and PvP was all a foreign concept to me, PvP still is but now I have at least tried two or three games. For dungeons and WvW though I get a bit more experience every week and enjoy doing these two activities with the guild.
I joined The Conclave as a quiet and what could be seen as kind of antisocial person. I barely ever said a word on TS or in guild chat and usually played alone. By now I have a hard time believing that I am the person who joined 3 months ago as I now participate in conversations and I even initiate it at times I now also join guild groups for random stuff which is another thing I would never have done when I first joined. I simply didn’t have the confidence to do so even when I kind of wanted to join.
The thing is, I ought to thank the great people in this guild for all of the above mentioned things. They gave me the time I needed to start interacting on TS which is probably the thing I was most skeptic about when I was looking for a guild because who needs voice communication? By now I think everyone should have the teamspeak experience, though that may just result in a very noisy channel…
As you can gather from all of above I’ve had a great time in the conclave this far and I expect it to continue to be like that. Now did I remember to mention that we have great people?
Do you know what else we have? Different events during the week and seeing as people are always welcome to set up their own guild events I see no reason why that wouldn’t continue.
So the only thing left to say is:
Quaggans, how do they feel about sushi?
(edited by tangplante.7458)
Great to hear you’ve enjoyed your time in The Conclave thus far Tangplante. Always nice to see people grow as a person within the group and become a real part of it.
So anyone interested in a social community with helpful people and plenty of PvX activity: Check us out at www.conclave.cc
PS: As for the Quaggans, I think they’d hope we would resort to salmon for our sushi in the future
Hey everyone just thought I’d pop by here and give a quick recommendation to the guild
Everyone in Conclave is extremely friendly and are very welcoming
If you’re looking for a place to chill out with a bunch of other people who enjoy playing the game this is the place to do it
Welcome to the conclave
It is good seeing someone use our forums, sign up for events and on TS from day one. Now we are just looking forward to the day you have a microphone that works so we can stop this silly typing thing on TS
Hello Starduster, sorry for the somewhat slow reply. Celebrated my birthday last 31st of May
It’s great to see you’re enjoying yourself so much and I must say you fit in perfectly with the social group that [CC] is and aspires to stay. Also looking forward to you getting your new headset, so we’ll know what you sound like