Finding a guild doesn’t have to be such a hard thing!

Finding a guild doesn’t have to be such a hard thing!

in Guilds

Posted by: pawtrisha.7234


Finding a guild doesn’t have to be such a hard thing!

Server Restrictions – While server transfers are free there are no real server restrictions on you. If a guild sounds interesting to you, try them out. If they’re willing, they can invite you to join the guild cross server to allow you to get a taste for the guild before you uproot yourself from your current server. This is a great feature. If you are guilded cross server you can still use guild chat, and group with your guild members. What you CANT do is participate in WvW with them, or enjoy the guild buffs they are currently running. So If you find a guild on another server, try them out and seem to be enjoying them I would recommend server swapping to join them once you know there the right one. Then you can enjoy all the benefits of being on the same server as your guild, as well as contribute to building influence for your guild.

Loyalty to a friend’s dead guild! – Man that’s a hard one, isn’t it? Well in Guild Wars 2 you’re not limited to the number of guilds you can be in. The only limit comes in with which one you can actively benefit from / contribute to / participate with at a time. So try out a different guild. Test the waters to find a suitable home for you and your friends! The guild manager window is a powerful tool. You can see who’s online in any other guild your in (even if you’re not representing) so you can decided which guild you want to hang out with at any given time!

Here is what I think you should be looking for in a GW2 guild.

Activity Level – The guild should provide a nice core set of people who log in frequently enough so you don’t feel stuck in an empty shell of a guild. Now, that being said. If the guild is just forming, you may need to give the officers just enough time to fill up there ranks. You can tell if your guild is actively attempting to bolster its numbers or not.

Influence and Guild Buffs – This is an important one in my book! The romantic notion of a small guild is great! And guilds should strive not to become so bloated that guild chat is just consistent spam.. HOWEVER, a guild still need to have influence to run guild buffs for its guild members. To get that, the guild either need a VERY active small set of people or a moderate number of people so that influence accumulating at a decent enough pace to run guild buffs relatively frequently. IMHO those of you looking for a guild need to be looking at a guild that is managed enough, that buffs are on the leaders minds all the time, to make sure the guild members are being taken care of.

Common Interest – Do you like to do events that benefit greatly from the addition of other players? I’m not talking about map exploration or jumping puzzles, those are pretty much a solo man’s games. But maybe you like to farm dynamic events, you’re interested in dungeon runs, WvW or structured PvP. Guilds will normally focus on 1 style. Some guilds (like Archon on Sanctum of Rall) attempt to bolster their numbers to have enough players on to meet all of those play styles. For instance we have a PvP/WvW guild rank (assassins). This doesn’t mean these people are limited to only doing PvP or WvW, it just means that’s their primary focus in game. We even have a PvP officer to help people out who are new to it and may have questions. So right now we are building our WvW numbers. At the moment our Dynamic Event farmers and Dungeon Runners are greater in number. But one day I’m sure there will be a balance.

Voice Communication – This is an important one in so many peoples books these days, as well it should be. It improves reaction time greatly in game. And as we all know, without the ability to separate our chat boxes in game sometimes messages just get lost! So you should find a guild that does use Ventrilo, Teamspeak, Mumble or something like that! It adds to the enjoyment of the game as well as it brings your guild members much closer together. I personally prefer a guild’s Ventrilo (because that’s what Archon uses) to be separated up by interest/goal/chat type so everyone isn’t lumped into one giant chat room trying to talk over one another.

Outside of Game Written Communication – This isn’t near as big as it used to be. And let me tell you having been a guild leader for a few years now it’s almost impossible to get people all on the same page about using a forum. You find those in the know (who read the forums every day) and those who just absolutely refuse to ever visit them. Forums are NICE – But there not a game breaker if a guild has them or not. To be honest, there more of a recruiting tool then anything. Archon uses a Closed Facebook group. Not going to lie, there are times where the structure capability of a forum would be nice to have.. but the group seems to get the job done.

All this being said., I am Convinced of one thing…
ARCHON of Sanctum of Rall is the right guild for you!

Guardian of Archon :: Sanctum of Rall

(edited by pawtrisha.7234)

Finding a guild doesn’t have to be such a hard thing!

in Guilds

Posted by: pawtrisha.7234


Here is why, if you have gotten this far in this post, odds are great you have read the above information and found 1 or 2 points that you have agreed with. So why not give us a try?

I tried to keep the above pretty nonspecific but let me give you a little more detail about Archon.

We are primarily an EST guild located on the Sanctum of Rall server. We do have people in many different time zones, so its not unusual to always find someone online in guild.

Archon was founded in EQ2 by Clemson (he’s not playing GW2 with us, sadly). We were a Hard Core Raiding Guild. If there was a target, we killed it. Archon celebrated Great success in Everquest 2. The members of Archon got along so well many of us kept in close contact with one another. Over the year we filtered from game to game. Wow, Aion, Rift, SW:Tor. (Many of us have roots that extend back to Ultima Online, EQ, DoAC etc). When Guild Wars 2 came about we started chit chatting again and said “HEY! Wouldn’t it be nice if we reformed under the name Archon for old time sake?” and Here we are!

But who will lead?
As I mentioned above Clemson is not playing MMOs right now, so who will lead our rag tag bunch? I don’t have the time. So I was pretty sure Kandore would do it for us.. turns out she doesn’t have the time either. Growing up sucks! So what to do? We made a High Council. Its made up of Kandore, Sabap and Myself. Were kind of the 3 who are trying to take on the lions share of keeping the guild progressing without giving up our lives.

We have added a PvP officer: Foriegner. We did this because we knew none of the 3 of us were PvP orientated and we needed to make sure that sect of the guild had representation. And we are currently looking for a Recruiting officer.

Allow me to outline our membership ranks for you. In Archon each rank can guild invite and administer up to 1 rank below it.

Our ranks are as follows:
High Council
Templar – A Guild Officer
Vassal – Former members of Archon from another game or people who KNOW former members of Archon prior to the launch of GW2.
Assassin – Guild members who enjoy WvW / PvP over any other aspect of the game.
Knight – Members of the guild.
Squire – New members of the guild. A new member should expect to be a Squire for 3 weeks to 1 month.
Elysium Guard – Inactive Members.

Vassal, Assassin and Knight all 3 are the same exact rank with the same exact guild privileges.

Guild Philosophy – Ugh even typing Guild Philosophy was too much Its laid back, chill, whatever man! Help your fellow guild mates if you can, if you need a hand see if anyone is available in guild to help you out and most of all if there unable to at that time, don’t get upset with them… just know maybe later they will be able to assist you.

Language and adult content – Yup we got it. Every day? No. but off-color jokes and nawty words happen. If you feel the need to consistently shock people with perverse and demented comments then yea we might ask you to chill out on it a bit. But if you’re telling a story and you say FudgeKnuckles a few times in the process of telling the story no one is going to flip out on you either. Oh and who doesn’t love dirty jokes?

Age limit – We are a guild who likes to find like-minded type people. Normally that puts everyone in just about the same age bracket of 18+. But that being said each applicant is reviewed on a case by case basis.

Guild Goal and Direction
We currently have about 30 guild members. Of which 20ish are active players. I would like to see us advance to an ACTIVE player base of about 50 people.

Its your game, what is your direction? We want people to have fun with the guild. I am feverishly trying to fill our ranks so our members have people to group with in world events, dungeons, WvW, PvP.

My thing is Upgrades / Buffs

Right NOW we are running the following buffs:
10% Magic Find for 3 Days (we run this on Tue, Wed, Thur and Fri, Sat, Sun)
5% Kill Exp for 24 Hours (we run this on Saturdays, I would like to be able to run it 1 day during the week also)
5% Influence for 24 Hours (we run this on Sundays, I would like to be able to run it also on Saturdays + 1 day during the week as well).

We are currently building Research Economy level 4 to add
+10% Gathering Bonus for 48 Hours (that will be a Sat/Sun buff) and
+15% Karma for 24 hours (Would like to run this 2 days a week).

There are many other upgrades we are looking into running at other times but those are the basic ones. We do have Art of War upgrades and WvW ones will be built more frequently as our WvW ranks grow.

Guardian of Archon :: Sanctum of Rall

(edited by pawtrisha.7234)

Finding a guild doesn’t have to be such a hard thing!

in Guilds

Posted by: pawtrisha.7234


So there you have it. If you have read this far, you’re ready to try us out (even if it’s as your 2nd or 3rd guild for now!) Contact any member of Archon in game for a membership invite (when you do, remind them to post on the fb page that they added you to guild!!). If you would like to talk more about the guild contact any of the officers. Circadian, Sabap, Kandore, Foriegner.

If you are unable to get a hold of someone shoot me an in-game mail (pawtrisha.7234). Are you on another server and not sure how to contact me? /tell pawtrisha.7234

I look forward to talking to you in game.

Guardian of Archon :: Sanctum of Rall

Finding a guild doesn’t have to be such a hard thing!

in Guilds

Posted by: pawtrisha.7234


Archon Updates

9/21/12: We now have a facebook page! so please Like Us On Facebook

10/17/12: Archon now request guild member “Rep” 90% of the time or greater! Ya gotta put time into a guild to get anything out of a guild! Build bonds in our guild, not while searching for others! If you join us, we want to hang out with you man!

10/17/12: Archon is now looking for the following officer positions to be filled
Recruiting Officer (1 per time zone)
WvW/PvP Officer (1 EST & 1 PST)
Admin Officer (1)
See our post below for more info on the officer positions.

Guardian of Archon :: Sanctum of Rall

(edited by pawtrisha.7234)

Finding a guild doesn’t have to be such a hard thing!

in Guilds

Posted by: MylesTheLionGomez.1496


Lyonrwar here! I was lost with a guild….no friends to play with, now I have a guild Archon! We play together! Now I have friends!


Jk naw really though glad to be part of the team glad we are continually doing guild buffs helps a bunch looking forward to seeing u guys later this evening

Diadi: Guardian 80
Lyonrwar: Ranger 80 Lyonswrath: Mesmer 80
SoR :: Ethereal Guardians

Finding a guild doesn’t have to be such a hard thing!

in Guilds

Posted by: pawtrisha.7234


Lol! Thanks Lyon!! Your 20 gold is in the mail!!

Guardian of Archon :: Sanctum of Rall

Finding a guild doesn’t have to be such a hard thing!

in Guilds

Posted by: Voxnor.1657


Lol! Thanks Lyon!! Your 20 gold is in the mail!!

Hm. Bribery for positive forum bumping – I have a sense I would fit in here…..

“Judge of a man by his questions rather than by his answers.” – Voltaire

Finding a guild doesn’t have to be such a hard thing!

in Guilds

Posted by: pawtrisha.7234


No bumps.. Truth be told i put a link to this post on our facebook page and said it would be cool if guild members had a free moment to say hi and introduce themselves so potential members could hear input from someone other then me. . But we are a fun bunch!! Shoot me a /tell later tonight and i will send you an invite

Guardian of Archon :: Sanctum of Rall

Finding a guild doesn’t have to be such a hard thing!

in Guilds

Posted by: MylesTheLionGomez.1496


Awe shucks I just did that out of the goodness of my heart

Diadi: Guardian 80
Lyonrwar: Ranger 80 Lyonswrath: Mesmer 80
SoR :: Ethereal Guardians

Finding a guild doesn’t have to be such a hard thing!

in Guilds

Posted by: azkitten.2814


I have known Circadian for a very long time, good people. The guild is awesome, and the folks nice. Just come join us for a while and hang out, you will have a good time, I can almost guarantee it!

Member of Archon [RKON] :: Sanctum of Rall

Finding a guild doesn’t have to be such a hard thing!

in Guilds

Posted by: JuryIsOut.9570


Hi, I play on Rall and your guild sounds great. I have a couple questions though.

1) When is the active time that you tend to be on? I tend to play early morning (8ish-noon) and late night (1-3am) because work and kids keep me busy during peak hours of most guilds. Would I ever see anyone on? hehe.

2) I don’t have a mic at present (it went poof) but I can still hear Vent on my headset. Would that be an issue until I could get a new mic? Is dusty old text chat anathema?

Finding a guild doesn’t have to be such a hard thing!

in Guilds

Posted by: pawtrisha.7234


Thanks for the Shoutout Katalyia You know how much I love you!

JurylsOut… its really odd right now and kind of hard to tell. The best way to describe it is right now I am starting to see people on all hours of the day and night. I love it. We have night owls, we have early morning birds we have mid day loungers. The bulk does seem to be in the early evening. Saturdays and Sundays in the evening (after everyone’s soccer games and what not) the guild just explodes! What time zone are you in? A hefty chunk of us are EST but we have PST’ers, People in Hawaii, Australia, The Caribbean and maybe even soon Ireland!

Ventrilo is not a requirement I tend to miss guild chat a lot because over the years I have just gotten use to listening on Vent. but its completely up to you if you chose to use vent or not. We would love to hear you in vent if possible

Well I lied.., if you have an Australian accent (or Boston).. Vent is a requirement You must speak often.. Ok that’s not a GUILD rule.. Just a Circ request!!

I look forward to talking with you in game.

Guardian of Archon :: Sanctum of Rall

Finding a guild doesn’t have to be such a hard thing!

in Guilds

Posted by: MylesTheLionGomez.1496


Make sure you check out the facebook too…..

Diadi: Guardian 80
Lyonrwar: Ranger 80 Lyonswrath: Mesmer 80
SoR :: Ethereal Guardians

Finding a guild doesn’t have to be such a hard thing!

in Guilds

Posted by: pawtrisha.7234


man sometimes I wish there was a “Like” button on here. lol.
Hey! We added a ton of new faces today! lots of people to get to know!!! I’m very excited to see Archon growing! I look forward to getting to know everyone.

Guardian of Archon :: Sanctum of Rall

Finding a guild doesn’t have to be such a hard thing!

in Guilds

Posted by: pawtrisha.7234


I wanted to share with you all our upcoming weekend buff schedule (see attachment)
I forgot to list the 10% influence from events for 24 Hours on there. That will be dropped Saturday evening.

For more info visit our Facebook Page

Hope to see you in game!


Guardian of Archon :: Sanctum of Rall

Finding a guild doesn’t have to be such a hard thing!

in Guilds

Posted by: pawtrisha.7234


Start your weekend out right! Start it in Archon!
I look forward to seeing you in game!

Guardian of Archon :: Sanctum of Rall

Finding a guild doesn’t have to be such a hard thing!

in Guilds

Posted by: azkitten.2814


I think my favorite thing is the buffs we get. Magic Find, XP, Influence, Gathering, Karma. Honestly, I love opening my inventory after a big dynamic event and seeing greens! LOVE IT!

Member of Archon [RKON] :: Sanctum of Rall

Finding a guild doesn’t have to be such a hard thing!

in Guilds

Posted by: MylesTheLionGomez.1496


Bummed I’m not gonna be on all today but I will seeya guys tomorrow! We do instance! A lot of them!!

Diadi: Guardian 80
Lyonrwar: Ranger 80 Lyonswrath: Mesmer 80
SoR :: Ethereal Guardians

Finding a guild doesn’t have to be such a hard thing!

in Guilds

Posted by: pawtrisha.7234


Good News! We applied for a larger guild license so we can accommodate more members to our ever growing family! We hope to add you!

Guardian of Archon :: Sanctum of Rall

Finding a guild doesn’t have to be such a hard thing!

in Guilds

Posted by: Eliteseraph.4970


That’s a pretty impressive guild description. If you put the same effort into running the guild as you did that description, I’m sure you’ve got a great thing going.

My question for you is: How active is Sanctum of Rall in WvW during the off hours of the night. Like someone posted above, I also am most active during the small hours of the night, usually after 10pm PST. I’m not very satisfied with my current server(we have almost no night presence in WvW), and it’s very frustrating to try and play when you’re constantly up against 2-3 times your own numbers from each of the other servers.

Finding a guild doesn’t have to be such a hard thing!

in Guilds

Posted by: marty.5167


It depends on what you want out of WvW. Honestly we are always out numbered. But I enjoy this I like being the underdog. I play a lot of late nights around 12 to 3 am eastern. We have enough numbers on average to cause some chaos. But it is not easy mode. If you want to constantly zerg and own the center keep this is not the server for you. If you want a challenge and have owning and taking the center keep being something special and not an everyday thing this is the server for you. Just being honest.

Finding a guild doesn’t have to be such a hard thing!

in Guilds

Posted by: MylesTheLionGomez.1496


The other night we ran a dungeon, Me, Mouzz, Lydia, and i cant for the life of me remember the other two but it was pretty good group with a few more runs together we will be able to hammer through any dungeon no problem…seeya guys tonight

Diadi: Guardian 80
Lyonrwar: Ranger 80 Lyonswrath: Mesmer 80
SoR :: Ethereal Guardians

Finding a guild doesn’t have to be such a hard thing!

in Guilds

Posted by: pawtrisha.7234


50+ members! Lots of actives! I am enjoying seeing guild groups going here and there! I like that were not 100000+ members. If your looking for a home, a guild you would like to represent, please contact us.

Guardian of Archon :: Sanctum of Rall

Finding a guild doesn’t have to be such a hard thing!

in Guilds

Posted by: pawtrisha.7234


Archon is looking at adding a few more “Templars” (Officers) to its ranks (5/6ish). Here are the details!

Recruiting Officer (1 per time zone) – A gregarious go getters with high playtime and a Ventrilo presence.

WvW/PvP Officer (1 EST & 1 PST) – Someone who likes to organize WvW events, with a firm understanding of WvW/PvP and a genuine interest in developing/growing that portion of the guild! Our go to person for PvE’ers who have PvP/WvW type questions! I would ultimately like to see each of these officers host a WvW map exploration event once a month!

With proven results in the growth of this guilds WvW ranks these officers will also be in charge of maintaining and activating Art of War upgrades for the guild.

Administrative Officer – Do you like paperwork? Do you like to keep track of things and answer questions? HeY! I have the job just for you!

All officers should have:
High Playtime
High Ventrilo Presence
Friendly Dispositions
Willingness to lend a hand/help out other members beyond what just benefits them.

Indication of interest in any of these positions will not automatically result in being placed in them. You must demonstrate the ability to perform the duties in order to obtain the position.

Talk to Circadian TODAY if your interested!

Guardian of Archon :: Sanctum of Rall

Finding a guild doesn’t have to be such a hard thing!

in Guilds

Posted by: pawtrisha.7234


I hope you are all enjoying the Halloween Events! But don’t enjoy them in a guild with no one ever on! Come check out Archon! We have an active core group of members and were looking to add more people who are interested in playing the game!!!

If you cant get a hold of me, any full member of Archon can issue a guild invite! So just look for another one of us! There always seems to be someone online!

I look forward to seeing you in game!

Guardian of Archon :: Sanctum of Rall