Fort Aspenwood- Midnight Lotus [ML] is recruiting!
Our event this Friday will be WvW for a while as a larger group. It will start around 9 PST but may start earlier if requested.
loking for active friendly people feel free to contact crievr in game if you want to join and thanks
Yay, we have a ton of banners. This weekend we will be providing a bunch of free banners for all. Location to be determined =)
We have started dungeon runs. If anyone is interested in doing this with us, please contact me on Tonara. Also welcome to the new members we’ve gotten this week! If anyone would like to join or needs more information, please let me know.
still recruting
still need more people
happy halloween still need more pumpkin eaters
still need more people for dungeon and events
need more pie eaters
too much pie eaten on thanksgiving
yes the pie 1 of the glories of the world