We are the Fort Aspenwood Vanguard [FAxV]
*A guild solely dedicated to the benefit of our home world within WvW
*Formed as of October 14, 2012
*A guild focused on the greater good of all as opposed to some within our world
*Our guild is not intended to be a “leader” of the world, rather, work for the benefit of the world
We are newly formed as this is posted, so do bear with the poor thread format for now.
What we are: We are a home world-dedicated guild with a strong focus on WvW. Though we are new at this time, we hope to appeal to our fellow Fort Aspenwood players who are particularly interested in WvW. Our world needs more dedicated WvW guilds, and that is exactly what we intend to emphasize on.
How we function: FAxV has been formed under the ideal that strength as a group is key, while a decent strategy is the lock on the door to victory. We intend to aid our allies in need as we are able. No matter how much experience a player has with WvW, we hope to bring all current and future members together to work in unison for our world and all of it’s players. New players seeking to learn the ropes of WvW are welcome to this guild as we hope to bring more players out to fight for our world. Banners gained will be placed within WvW maps, and we will strive to maintain WvW Fort bonuses as necessary.
Membership Requirements: We are accepting any and all players who seek to join together for the sake of an organized WvW experience. We only seek mature players who are capable of working with large groups, preferably age 18+ . If you intend to be a hero apart from the rest of the guild, we likely aren’t the guild for you. Whether you’re well experienced in WvW, or you’ve never participated in such, we would love to have you. If you have real-world obligations (e.g. a job), fret not! We will not penalize our members for doing what they need to do in life; this is a game, games are entertainment, and you shouldn’t suffer for a guild’s benefit. We accept multi-guilding players. We do, however, expect our members to represent within WvW maps. Those who do not or never represent will be kicked. Any member who transfers out of Fort Aspenwood will be kicked without question.
What we need most!: Players who are well experienced in WvW and willing to teach new players to hold their own in WvW combat. We are not seeking glory for ourselves, rather, glory for the world as a whole. No matter what guild you are affiliated with, we could very well use your help for the benefit of our world.
Out-of-Game Communication and Resources: At this time we are experimenting to see whether the guild will take off. If we manage to successfully expand well enough, a ventrilo server, website, and any other necessary additions to our community network will be provided. Needless chances will not be taken unless we assure that our plan will take root. Our primary members do use Steam, thus members will be able to contact us outside of the game as needed now and as we expand our means of communication with the guild.
How the community can help!: We hope to see Fort Aspenwood become an even greater world than it is now. FA without a doubt has the potential to be more than we are with our competent Commanders, and tight-knit guilds. What we are lacking is unity as a world to focus on objectives in unison. As good as our players may be, we fail to work together strategically as a whole. The intention of this guild in particular is to do our part for the betterment of our home world in it’s entirety as we are able.
Any endorsements to aid us in our expansion would be absolutely appreciated. Any and all coin contributions from outside sources will be used only for influence or siege weaponry, if anyone is gracious enough and willing to help. All early funds will be used for influence, however.
~How to apply~
General Format
*Main Profession and Level
*Typical Build/Play Style (e.g. Support, high-damage, CC, feel free to emphasize)
*Time Zone (if you are not sure for whatever reason, check here)
*Average Hours Played per Day
*WvW Experience (i.e. how well you understand the concept of WvW, as well as how well you play in WvW, etc. As said, all experience levels are welcome, we merely want to know who needs to learn)
Anything else you would like to share is welcome!
Forum Application: As of now you may send me a Private Message via the forums to apply for the guild. Please follow the general format as you are able.
In-Game Mail: You may send me mail in-game by my community name to apply for the guild as of now. Please supply as much of the general format as you are able; you may simple type the answers to each line.
Feel free to discuss this guild as you wish!
(edited by Moderator)