Fudge [FDG]: Maguuma makes the BEST chocolate

Fudge [FDG]: Maguuma makes the BEST chocolate

in Guilds

Posted by: Sundae.8701


Do you like chocolate?

How about funny hats?

You do? GREAT!

That’s where Team Fudge comes in!

[FDG] is the greatest guild to ever grace this accursed plain. Of course I’m sober; shut up! No really though, Team Fudge is one of the most awesome guilds to ever dare to set foot on Tyrian soil. That’s in spite of most of us not having feet, too. That makes it even more impressive, no?

[FDG] was founded in February 2002, and we’ve existed more or less continuously in one game or another for the entire decade. In our current form, we are a goofy, sarcastic bunch of nutcases who would be better served by a Baker Act than a gaming guild, but instead of straight-jackets, we’ve got awesome hats and guild armor.

Do you like Catacombs? Good. How about Boxes of Fun? Doubly good. How about Boxes of Fun being opened when we’re all just about to die in the Catacombs? If you answered ‘no’ to that, please head to any other thread in this forum you like! We are not for you.

Check your shoes. There’s a lot of size numbers, right? Are any of them bigger than your IQ? If you answered yes, try another thread. If I’ve not offended you yet, please keep reading!

Do you hate mosquitoes? Are you sick of guildmates who cannot spell anything? Are people on your voice-chat server all high-pitched eleven-year-olds? Quit that silliness and come join our own special brand of insanity! (Patent pending on our perpetual pinata machine.)

SERIOUSLY NOW… (ha fooled you)

Do you want a long-term, stable guild full of friends, some of whom have gone to college together, some of whom have roomed together, some of whom have gotten married, and many of whom have traveled thousands of miles for the most epic, dwarven-ale-laden parties ever?

Do you want a guild that is mostly filled with people with stable lives, jobs, and enough money that our website and voice-chat will never go unpaid?

Do you want to log on at night and play VIDEO games, not DRAMA games? Are you looking for friends to hang out with?

Are you NOT scared of the attached picture in this thread?

Oh, and are you in the Maguuma server?

Okay, you’re in the right thread.


Hunt us down on Maguuma, or stop by our forum and say hi! Our Mumble voice-chat is always open, and you’re welcome to come say hi any time you want on the forums. We’re friendly, and we only occasionally bite!

Again: http://www.clanfudge.net/forum


Fudge [FDG]: Maguuma makes the BEST chocolate

in Guilds

Posted by: Ronkdar.2091


Here’s some oft-used Fudge mottos:

Clan Fudge: United in all that is chocolatey and delicious!

Clan Fudge: Recruiting members with an IQ greater than their shoe size since 2002!

Clan Fudge: We make funny noises.

Clan Fudge: We have awesome hats.

We’ve got active forums, active Mumble voice chat server, active in game Guild chat, and overly-active imaginations.

Fudge has focused on many games in the past (TFC, UT2004, GW1, TF2, Minecraft, MNC…), and now we’re hitting GW2 hard. Harder than your grandma’s fruitcake!

We’re engineers, scientists, IT professionals, students, musicians, friends, and most importantly, complete and utter goofs.

Quacking is an acceptable form of salutation in our Mumble server. Orrian Baby Chicken impressions are frequent as well.

Fudge has survived so long thanks to our dedication to community, not our demand for skill. We’re in this for the fun of it. Every game we play brings in new people, and they tend to stay long after we’ve moved on (we have a tendency to outlive the lives of games).

(edited by Ronkdar.2091)

Fudge [FDG]: Maguuma makes the BEST chocolate

in Guilds

Posted by: Sundae.8701


Why are you hitting my grandmother’s fruit cake? That’s terrifyingly anti-social of you.

Our resident artist is currently working up new logos for our website that show our true dedication to the Choctopus and his glorious trident. She has promised us either a monocle or a top-hat for the Choctopus, so we will be admirably spiffy as we strut our stuff in Divinity’s Reach.

Anyone reading this: You were around for Guild Wars 1, right?

Remember the Fissure of Woe? Ever clear it with a party of 8 necros, none of them minion-masters?

We did! =)


We had seven people online. One had a bad internet connection and couldn’t really play. Soooo… the other six grabbed the worst builds they could think of for all their classes, grabbed two pub monks as healers, and we ran Terrible Group Night while the 7th person got his stopwatch ready.

The challenge: See how long the monks last in a Fissure run while trying to keep the worst builds ever alive, before they quit on us. If they quit before 5 minutes are up, we lose. If they quit after 5 minutes, we win. If we finish the entire thing, we still lose. =)

More than that, though! Whichever monk stayed longer won nifty prizes, too. We didn’t tell them that at the beginning, of course, but as soon as the first monk left we’d go give the second all his prizes. One guy made it 9 minutes chasing our trio of Ride The Lightning Elementalists in spite of Famine, Frozen Soil, and Energizing Wind being up thanks to the pet-ranger who forgot pet skills and the E/R who was actually playing that ridiculous “cripple him and then rain fire down as he limps away!” build from the box-cover.

He got 5 globs of ectoplasm and a black dye for his efforts. A guild offer too, but he declined. I wonder why?

More stories later! I must save some of them for future bumping opportunities.

Attached: Team Photo, Jan 2012!


Fudge [FDG]: Maguuma makes the BEST chocolate

in Guilds

Posted by: Bakey.9671


More story times!

We were running Frostmaw once upon a time, and I was healing, and noticing that one of our elementalists ([FDG]Cake) was taking a LOT of damage. So much that I was constantly out of energy, but he was still alive. I finally piped up about it and there was much laughter: he’d been naked the entire run. I refused to heal him after that until he wore some armor. :P

Team Fudge: We make healing fun!

Seriously great group of guys and no one else I’d rather play with. Come join us! For the hats, for the piƱatas, for the Choctopus!

Fudge [FDG]: Maguuma makes the BEST chocolate

in Guilds

Posted by: Seraphroy.1942


Fudge is a place I’ve called home for 7 years. Whether it’s running around as a necro using nothing but life sacrifice skills, just to screw with our healers (to their credit, they kept me alive far longer than I ought to have been alive), or playing TF2 as a medic in a league match, keeping a heavy alive to a 65-2 record and holding back the entire 8 man opposition to their spawn, only to have Sundae get all the credit for his “awesome stealth cap skills”, this group of halfway insane individuals are some of the closest friends I’ve ever had.

We’re a group that has withstood the change to a new game about 25 times. We’ve withstood waiting for Guild Wars 2 to launch since the first teaser for it. We’ve withstood a hostile takeover attempt by people once in our guild. We’ve existed for more than a decade. WE AREN’T VANISHING ANYTIME SOON. Like the sound of that stability? Join us. We’re pretty awesome.


Fudge [FDG]: Maguuma makes the BEST chocolate

in Guilds

Posted by: Da Kril.2695

Da Kril.2695

I’ve known many of these Fudgies for years, and they’re sharp, fun and funny, while still being very competitive gamers. Definitely worth a look, if you’re looking for quality peeps with whom to do your virtual damagez.

Note: I’m a member of another clan, but we’ve had so many fun and exhilarating gaming experiences and interactions with them over the years that I’m compelled to give them their props. You couldn’t do much better, and you could do a lot worse.

Fudge [FDG]: Maguuma makes the BEST chocolate

in Guilds

Posted by: Ronkdar.2091


The story of the FDG tag!

You’ll see a lot of us have rather delectable names:
[FDG]Sundae (Fudge Sundae)
ChoKILLate[FDG] (Chocolate Fudge)
[FDG]Sickle (Fudgesicle)
WhatThe[FDG]! (That’s me!)

Back when we were an FPS clan, we all played with tasty names. Unfortunately, due to the nature of MMOs, (lack of flexibility with tag placement, multiple toons, etc), we have abandoned this practice for GW and GW2.

Our old writ-of-passage into becoming a Fudgie was the selection of a Fudge name. We don’t follow this practice much anymore, but feel free to make one up anyways if you enter the fold! (Elmer[FDG] is somehow still available, among other awesome names. [FDG]Packer is not an acceptable name :p )

I’m told that when Sundae and the other co-founder made the clan, they wanted a certain 4-letter tag that started with S and would still work as [S***]Packer. But that tag was already taken by another group, so Fudge it was!

Clan Fudge: We haven’t taken ourselves seriously since we were born (and before)!

And how!

Fudge [FDG]: Maguuma makes the BEST chocolate

in Guilds

Posted by: Sweeping Plague.7341

Sweeping Plague.7341

Seriously, What can be better than a guild with all the wonder and awe that is Chocolate, Hats, and really bad Puns! (Seriously, the puns are awfully punny!) Join Us! DO IT!

Fudge [FDG]: Maguuma makes the BEST chocolate

in Guilds

Posted by: Ronkdar.2091


Clan Fudge: Things make less sense here.


(Attachment animates better if you click on it)


Fudge [FDG]: Maguuma makes the BEST chocolate

in Guilds

Posted by: Seraphroy.1942


Let’s see… Ronkdar said we haven’t ever been serious… hmm…

Ah yes, we were gearing up for a TF2 match one night. 8 of us got on early and were going through our strategy for the map on our server. We had it fairly streamlined, and we had a couple others hanging around ventrilo waiting to play after the match was over. Well, since we felt we were ready, and we wanted to be serious (HA!) for the match…

We all jumped into a random server playing Dustbowl. Most who have played TF2 would know what map this is (unless you spend all your time on a 24/7 2Fort, you scrub). We have maybe 10 or 11 willing to do this. We all pick Scout, and we all switch to baseball bats. We then go on offence.

We WIN. I don’t know how, but I guess the intimidation of 11 scouts charging full steam ahead with reckless abandon using melee weapons got to the other team, and we just dogpiled on each one of them. Sniper? Got kept busy by two guys running back and forth to be blindsided by another 5 scouts. Demoman? Sacrificial scout taking out the sticky grenades so the rest could charge on. Medic? I think we had a couple of those rage quit. Heavy? Minigun can’t kill ALL of us. By the time the match rolled around for the league, we were all in good spirits and did quite well that game, IIRC.

Fudge, even when we have to be semi serious for a while, we can’t manage to NOT be fools. Our moments are brought upon by us being completely idiotic. And we love it.

Fudge [FDG]: Maguuma makes the BEST chocolate

in Guilds

Posted by: Bakey.9671


rezzes old thread

Looking for more/new players with the guild missions being so needy these days. Come join us!