Hello, I’m Xpiher and I’ve been playing MMOs since 2000. My gaming experience harks all the way back to the classics UO, Shadowbane, and EQ and there hasn’t been a major title that’s released that I haven’t at least beta tested. I’m currently in the market for a new guild primarily because my time zone and play times. As stated above, I’m currently playing in GMT + 9 time zone ankittenypically active during the early mornings if going by EST.
What I’m looking for:
- Mature guild – I don’t deal with drama or internal bickering in guilds anymore. The guild should be fairly active when I play and be dedicated to whatever it sets it’s mind to. However, while playing with a hardcore mentality, I need a guild that understand that real life, and the pleasures it brings, is paramount. My job simply doesn’t allow me to dedicated as much time to MMOs that I once was able to when I was a teenager.
- Competitive mind set – The guild should strive to reach its full potential. I am a very competitive person and I know that I will not fit in with a guild that doesn’t have the same competitive mindset as I do.
- Organization – The guild should be very well organized, especially in PvP. I feel that if a guild doesn’t have a plan when going into a situation, then it will ultimately fail even if individual skill amongst its members is high. This is especially true in WvW, where a well organized guild can be the difference between winning and losing the entire match on a server. I have personally seen this in GW2 and it really makes all the difference. This means that the type of guild I’m looking for should have predesignated teams if making a strong showing in WvW, or at least the flexibility and knowledge to put together adhoc teams that can do well. It should have the ability to splinter off into multiple groups to go after simultaneous objectives, but at the same time maintain cohesion.
- Preferably be located on a sever with 24hr coverage in WvW – While this might sound very selective, or wanting to bandwagon, the nature of my work can have me changing work schedule at a moments notice. This DOES NOT mean the server has to be good at WvW. I simply want to be able to put up a fight when I play. You’d be surprised what a dedicated group of 50 members can do against a zerg of 300 when being tactical.
What I offer
In every game I’ve played I have assumed a leadership roll in a guild at some point. In AOC I was my guild’s recruitment and events officer, in Darkfall I was a diplomat, in GW I was the PvP general. I’ve also lead guilds in the past, none of them big names, but all managed to find a home within an alliance or within another guild if membership waxed to the point of not being sustainable.
I am a very focused player and I love playing the meta game. In most games, I tend to make many builds to play with my chosen profession. For example, in GW I came up with a successful GvG condition pressure build as well as various RA builds that showed moderate success.
This also lead me to being a team leader in GW and other PvP games. I managed to make it to r6 without using FOTM builds often (I hate IWAY) and in fact held halls on numerous occasions. I accomplished this by being a dedicated mid-line tactics caller, and during other times being a dedicated spike caller. In games such as DAoC (what WvW is based on) I often look at the big picture and am able to make sound tactical decisions. For example, knowing when to sacrifice a holding to get a better reward, or feigning a retreat to lure people into a trap, or knowing the proper use of diversions.
By trade, training, and hobby I’m also a diplomat. I try to see everyone’s point of view and try reach solutions to problems in a very balanced way. I also look for ways to take advantage of potentially chaotic political situations to strengthen any guild/alliance/faction I’m in. What does this mean for GW2 and WvW? Well this means that I see the benefit of reaching beyond the server I’m on to strike at a common enemy (the dominating sever of the week in most cases) or establishing cross server alliances to make better use of time and getting more reward for all. Once GW2’s guesting system is implemented, this type of mentality, IMO, will make completing objectives in both PvE and PvP easier to accomplish
Overview of what I offer:
- Competitive mindset
- Leadership experience
- Metagame knowledge
- All around PvP experience
- Oh and Willingness to learn
- Willing to switch server. I’d rather be on a server with a good group of people than call any one server a home. If I’m not currently on your server I’ll gladly switch, even if free transfers are taken away
I can’t think of much else to say about myself, at least not on an open public forum. If you have any other questions please contact me here or at MMORPG (same name). I look forward to hearing from you all
(edited by Xpiher.5209)