[Gate of Madness] Infernal Empire - PvX|Casual|Age 25+
I’m a chapter officer for the Guild Wars 2 branch in Infernal Empire, a 10-year member of the community and I would like to offer a little more background on us. There are a bunch of us that have been playing MMOs since SWG, but in each MMO we changed our guild name to be more “lore friendly”. After SW:TOR we decided to keep the guild name going forward and to turn the community into a multi-game guild.
We are a guild with a mature attitudes and respect towards one another and most of our members are over the age of 25 (average age based on polls is around 34). The guild is labeled as “casual”, but that is only in regards for attendance in events, as it’s never mandatory. In each MMO we’ve played, we organize events either for PvE (dungeon or raid) or PvP and remain competitive compared to other guilds that do advertise themselves as “Hardcore”. It may appear we’re strict on our rules and guidelines, but that is based on years of trial and error.
Previous MMOs:
DAoC: we were Winter’s Bane on the Percival server
SWG: we were Continuum/Crimson Order/Furor on the Starsider server
WoW: we were Titans Exodus on the Elune server (still exist under different leadership)
Infernal Empire has re-opened recruitment! A few weeks ago we decided to temporarily close off recruitment due to the overwhelming response of new recruits that we’ve invited since the game launched. Now that majority of the recruits have settled in to their new home we are ready to accept applications again for recruitment.