-Gate of Madness- Noctis Sanguis is recruiting, read inside for more info.

-Gate of Madness- Noctis Sanguis is recruiting, read inside for more info.

in Guilds

Posted by: Echo.3569


Noctis Sanguis is latin for Blood of The Night, which is why our tag is [BoTN]. Just a side note, after a few questions asked to me about twilight, I thought it relevant to make clear that this is not a vampire reference but an assassin reference. Take what you want from it however, this is just a guild that wants to hang out with other friendly people, whilst kickingkitten We have multiple 80’s (About to be 5) with others not far over on the horizon who are all starting to get into the end game type content and we want others to join us! For those not at that level, we would love to have you as well, the guild members are very friendly and helpful and can likely give you some advice along the way.

For more detailed information again, check out www.noctissanguis.enjin.com or contact Echo Whisperblades online! Can’t wait to see you in game!