Guild Management
Well, i haven’t seen any posts on the matter, but one possibly helpful little detail is your History tab in the guild interface, Everything your guild has done is recorded there, and the members names who pop up most are obviously your most active. This will still be a time consuming and arduous task to undertake, but still potentially a temporary solution.
As long as the tooling is lacking I use server restarts in order to keep track who is active. On a server restart all information from the roster is whiped and everyone becomes “unknown”. Then when someone logs in this “unknown” gets replaced with the character and account information. So a few weeks after a server restart you get a good idea who is no longer playing.
I run a large guild, over 1000 members. A large issue is dealing with in/active members and knowing whom to kick. This is what we did, and it worked a great success:
Demote everyone in your guild to a separate rank. Anytime you see someone log in and represent move them up to a higher rank, at the end of 7 days (However long you see fit) kick the players at that new rank.
This way you know whom hasn’t logged in (Or who hasn’t represented) in that time period. Just make sure you know who had what rank before you demote people.
Hope it helps.
Second Commander in Sea of Sorrows.