Guild Question ???

Guild Question ???

in Guilds

Posted by: Tranio.9243


I’m in a guild, a great one as a matter of fact. I had switch servers due to IRL friends and to my delight I was still in the same guild but I noticed that all the influence and upgrades are gone =( Is this suppose to happen or did I somehow bug this? I would assume being in the same guild should change any of that. It’s almost as if I just created it but its actually how it is with the same players and officers and such. Anywho I just curious if there is anyway I fix this or am I a lost guild member.


Guild Question ???

in Guilds

Posted by: Vaugh.7193


The same guild is unique on each server. Nothing gets transfered from server X when you move to server Y. No bank items, no upgrade, no influence.

Guild leader of As Stars We Belong [STAR]
WvW Commander of Blacktide.
@RaugoolGW2 on Twitter

Guild Question ???

in Guilds

Posted by: omni burning nova.3472

omni burning nova.3472

All the guild influence and upgrades are server bound.

Guild Question ???

in Guilds

Posted by: Chaosx.2471



Guilds are not tied to any specific world; all players can join any guild regardless of which world they play on. However, influence and guild upgrades are specific to each world: players in the same guild but on different worlds will contribute to separate influence pools and build through separate upgrade trees. Members that transfer will have to regenerate influence and build new upgrades on the new world.


Sinner – GM & Commander
[CYN] Cynical –
[TC] Tarnished Coast