Guild for Parents, recruiting now!
I am not a parent and not on Shiverpeaks, though I like the discription of the guild and wanted to wish you luck with it.
protecting travelers and the wilderness
Ha, thanks man. I think I’ll need it. Gonna have to go out there and find some of these outstanding individuals. Also, I happen to have a St Christopher charm on my necklace. …high school Spanish teacher gave it to me, way back in 2003.
(edited by Mutt.6290)
Sounds like a good fit for myself.
Single father of 3 here (6,8 and 11).
Pretty much same schedule as you. Get on when I can. Central Time zone here.
So welcome to Skaaz here, our first officer in the guild. He and I both can send you an invite upon request.
well im a father of 2 who games casually and i also live on the east coast and follow just about same schedule..i work for wawa 2nd shift so i dotn get home till 12am sometimes and play till 4-5 am, but thsi sounds interesting and enticing
I’ll look you guys up next time I am on. 3 boys 3 and under (3, 2, 11 months). I am on EST as well, balancing playtime with TSW.
Sounds great.
I’ll add both of you to my friends list and keep an eye out for you.
I’m central time it’s usually after 6 by the time I get logged on.
Sounds like a cool perspective.
Father of two (4 and 7 y.o.) and living in Europe, but that’s never been a problem for me (even 250 years ago in old Ascalon) playing with Americans. Probably have to transfer eventually if/when I join, but guesting could work aswell.
Other things: I’m a teacher and do not play very regularly, somehow real life keeps a tight hold on me…
Looking forward to meet a nice guild
So, welcome Octavion Mare, as well as Odinat. So far we don’t have a single duplicate in professions in our guild, giving us a nice variety. Helgan, send either myself (My Mutt) or Skaaz a message next time that you’re in the game, and we’ll shoot the invite your way.
WOW!!! this is making my day… single father of an 8yr old little girl… I live in New England and follow about your schedule Mutt … I will be moving worlds as soon as I post this, I am on Ferguson’s Crossing ATM. I will try to look you up when I get switched! This was a GREAT idea!
Great idea for a guild! I’m curious how this is going in terms of the number of players. I’d like to be apart of an active mature guild, well not to mature but **** what can I say.
I’m sure there are a bunch of us out there. Amiright?
I’ve got two at home, 9 and 4 who get on my MF nerves. I mean require attention. My wife wants me to give it to them too. Like WTF wife, what are you here for? But whatevea I do what she askes to keep the peace. Anywho, I like to do it all. Umm I mean pvp, dungeon’s, events you name it. Just would prefer to be with some likeminded friendly cool peeps to do it with.
Seacrest out! (is that show still on the air?)
You guys look like a great fit for me, father of a newborn (7mth) and my playtime fits right in (9-12 EST). I’ll need to transfer over, so if I do I’ll look you up. If you see something from Ordika Skirata its me.
I’m into doing everything this game has to offer as long as I can fit in the time.
Swansonites of North Shiverpeak – Northern Shiverpeaks
Yes sir, come on over, and congratulations on the newborn. Last night was pretty much our first mass gathering in the chat box, after taking-on a nice rush of new members. Being the specialized guild that we are, everyone is real interested in hearing everyone else’s back-stories and exeriences, and we spent a couple hours just getting acquainted. We have a nice cluster on the East Coast, be we also have 3 members so far that are outside of the US, as well as one in California, and one in Nebraska, so we’re getting to where we’re representing at all hours of the day.
(edited by Mutt.6290)
Great idea for a guild! I’m curious how this is going in terms of the number of players. I’d like to be apart of an active mature guild, well not to mature but **** what can I say.
Currently there are 7 of us. Have a few waiting to confirm there invite. We will be as active as our real life will allow us it seems.
Recruiting has all been done on the forums as far as I know. We may extend that out to spamming some in game /m chat here and there to increase some numbers.
I’m sure there are a bunch of us out there. Amiright?
I’ve got two at home, 9 and 4 who get on my MF nerves. I mean require attention. My wife wants me to give it to them too. Like WTF wife, what are you here for? But whatevea I do what she askes to keep the peace. Anywho, I like to do it all. Umm I mean pvp, dungeon’s, events you name it. Just would prefer to be with some likeminded friendly cool peeps to do it with.
Seacrest out! (is that show still on the air?)
:) Just remember when it comes to wives and kids.
“We live in there world”
Got the pm and will see my invite probably tomorrow when I’m on again. Think this will be a blast
Until that time, here is a thought on parenting in Tyria I had when playing the first GW. THE build any parent must have.
Got the pm and will see my invite probably tomorrow when I’m on again. Think this will be a blast
Until that time, here is a thought on parenting in Tyria I had when playing the first GW. THE build any parent must have.
This is hillarious. The skills are just so on point.
Also got my PM and will transfer over to Northern Shiverpeak tonight and get started representing the guild.
Swansonites of North Shiverpeak – Northern Shiverpeaks
I am a stay at home father of a 5yo Springsteen addict. Boy. I’m on the west coast, but get on at all hours. This sounds like a perfect fit for me. Can I play too?
I am a stay at home father of a 5yo Springsteen addict. Boy. I’m on the west coast, but get on at all hours. This sounds like a perfect fit for me. Can I play too?
Absolutely, we need more west-coasters to pick-up where we east-coasters leave-off. Just send me your character’s name in a PM.
Nice! More members!! Welcome !
Welcome all, cant wait to see you guys in game…sorry im all late an wrong had to work 1pm-1130 :-(
Hey guys, married father of 2 daughters, I’m on devonas rest for the moment but you guys sound like a great fit for me, I think I will transfer when I get on, I’m at work atm ( yeah I got a crazy schedule lol)
How many you all have online during the day. 7am to 12 or 1pm EST? I work 3rd shift so My only play time is between those hours during the week.
How many you all have online during the day. 7am to 12 or 1pm EST? I work 3rd shift so My only play time is between those hours during the week.
There’s a few players on during those times that would enjoy your company. I’m usually on for a little bit myself, after putting the boy onto the bus, and before commencing my studies. We just purchased the Politics upgrade with our influence points, and we have enough to start another upgrade tree as well, once this one is done building.
Sounds good. Suggestion Look into doing the Workshop upgrade in architecture it allows you to do 2 upgrades at a single time
although I am single this guild by far is the most unique!
But I am so close it scares me
although I am single this guild by far is the most unique!
Thanks man. I’d recommend to all to go out and either join or create a guild requiring unique attributes. It’s pretty excellent having a commonality, though I’m finding myself becoming distracted in the chat all too often.
my guild all has music producers and dj’s club followers and artists quite interesting
But I am so close it scares me
So my screen name is My Mutt, I play on the Northern Shiverpeaks server, and I’ve just created a guild called Cradle Guard [CrGd]. This guild is meant for players with little ones, who know how to remain productive in their evenings while guarding the bedroom door. It’s a guild in-which you can play with like-minded individuals as parents and be a part of a community as such, and not so much a guild that takes the game more seriously than real-life responsibilities; though hey, being the mature, organized, and nurturing players that we are, we just might be able to go far and dominate.
I myself am a full-time single father, and my son is 5 years old and just beginning Kindergarten. We live on the east coast, so I can just about always be found in the game playing between 8pm and 1am eastern time; though I also hop-on every other opportunity that I get…. nap time!
Fantastic, I had a similar idea and founded “Lil Ones” On Ferguson’s Crossing … Perhaps we can talk about some cross guild events, coop, or alliance.
… Love the name btw, hah, creative!
(edited by Primetime.6254)
Fantastic, I had a similar idea and founded “Lil Ones” On Ferguson’s Crossing … Perhaps we can talk about some cross guild events, coop, or alliance.
… Love the name btw, hah, creative!
Interesting idea, keep in touch this sounds like a great idea. for anyone interested. The site is a work in progress, but it gets you in touch with us.
Where are the moms? lol I would like to try out your guild. I am a stay at home mom of 3 (18, 14, and 10). I’m looking for a mature fun guild and a guild for parents seems right up my alley. I usually play in the mornings central time. Sometimes late afternoons or evenings.
Perfect! This is something I have been looking for for so long, I even contemplated starting my own. I am currently on Tarnished Coast but will be server transfering later tonight! I am a father of 4 (12, 12, 8, 2). I mainly play the same as most it seems, when I can, but mostly between 8pm and 1am EST. Have tried multiple professions and still trying to choose my main, lol. But will attempt to contact someone in game tonight!
Nice! A guild that not only understands parent stuffs.. but was looking for them specifically?!
I’m Mum to 2 daughters (9 & 4yrs) and I’m from the Oceanic region (NZ).. I’ve looked for a guild in my timezone, but when I saw this I liked the sound of it better. So if you don’t mind a random Kiwi in the mix.. I’d like to join and help Cifie represent the mum side of things.
I’ve only been ingame for the past day.. so haven’t chosen a main yet.. would that be a problem at all?
Two more mothers makes 4. Invites inbound.
Howdy Fellow Parents! I am a stay athome father of 3 kids aged 4, 8 and 12. I shattered my left heel 7 weeks ago so my game time has gone through the roof and can be found online through out the day. I have played every major MMO that has come out in the last 5 yrs+. I really like the idea of this guild, and look forward to hearing a response. Currently I am on Anvil Rock but am willing to switch home worlds.
I play a elementalist lvl 80.
Howdy Fellow Parents! I am a stay athome father of 3 kids aged 4, 8 and 12. I shattered my left heel 7 weeks ago so my game time has gone through the roof and can be found online through out the day. I have played every major MMO that has come out in the last 5 yrs+. I really like the idea of this guild, and look forward to hearing a response. Currently I am on Anvil Rock but am willing to switch home worlds.
I play a elementalist lvl 80.
…Looks like we have our WvW commander. We’ll talk anyways, an invite is on it’s way.
Hello all, this sounds like it could be a good fit for me. I am a married father of 2 (11 and 14) and really like the idea of playing with other parents that take the game for what it is, a game, but still like to have fun. I am currently on the Anvil Rock server but if you have room and are willing to add another to your ranks I would gladly switch servers.
I mainly play a level 22 ranger, but have a couple alts as well. Look forward to hearing from you.
Heya all, I’m just getting started out in GW2 (haven’t even picked a main class/prof) but as a parent (15 yr old daughter) I’m very interested in the guild. I’m an East coaster but a second shifter so I tend to play late during the week and about anytime every other weekend. I’ve played mmo games since Ultima Online (All hail the Cult of Bob!) and look forward to hearing more about the guild.
Invites will be coming your way soon Slywold and Badonkastomp.
Also for some more info we have added a mumble server for our members to use.
I need to switch servers first correct?
I need to switch servers first correct?
Its not completely necessary to switch servers, as guilds can form across servers, and we do not require you to participate in our guild events. The most important objective of Cradle Guard is to allow like-minded gamers to connect and be a part of a unique group while pursuing their gaming interest. That said though, if you’re on a different server, then you won’t be able to fight with us in WvW, nor run around in the game with other members of the guild.
Just wanted to say what a totally awesome idea this is. Good for you guys!
Hiya i just switched to your server to join u guys if you will take me im a new farther oldest is 20 mouth old son with a new one due in feb it whould be a honor to join you guys im a 80 ranger and i have free time to play when kid is sleeping when he goes to bed or when he is at daycare.
Your invite will be on its way Orymaru
Hello I’m interested in joining the guild. I’m the father of a 7 month old girl so I only play at night when she’s asleep or when I have free time. I live on the west coast so I hope I can play with most of you
Will send a invite once I am in game Canti