(edited by Norax.7092)
Guild for musicians: Bards of Tyria [Crys.Desert/Gandara]
I have been in this Guild since the beginning, and I can tell you that all the members are very nice and funny. And you can find a lot of talented persons.
Love this guild name and idea. While I am from another guild just thought I’d give that a shout out. Very creative.
Wields the power of the shadows & and the balance of the blades.
Join the Resurgence! http://resurgenceguild.guildportal.com
Thank you so much, Caiylania! All kind of support is much appreciated. Also check out our members at our playlist on YouTube!
This is cool! I’m a musician as well, too bad I already have a guild
Ah, well, you could join anyway! We have a few guildies representing us some times. But I see you’re probably a guild-master. Time consuming!
Awesome guild! Fun people, always random chatter in guild chat going on (but that might just be me rambling about random stuff)
We are still recruiting! Please don’t hesitate joining our very close-knitted guild