Guild hall help
Based on some experiences going for guild halls, it seems like having a rev on the team helps a lot. And of course, having as much cc as possible.
I was lucky and was able to clear Lost Precepice with 3. Dragon Hunter, Tempest & Reaper. I don’t know what the Tempest & Reaper were using since they joined to help out through the LFP system.
You don’t need piles and piles of DPS, you do need to focus fire though. targeting the vine tenders and then the vine itself each time. The final fight is just a matter of not dying you should have plenty of time with it.
Obviously more damage is going to make it faster, but you need to survive against groups of HoT style enemies (think Octovine without armor to “hold” enemies away).
Personally I was using Zojja with Celestial trinkets. The best part though, is that you can try as many times as you need to so don’t worry if you don’t get it the first time!
I’ve helped with my Reaper on a few Hall claims; she’s got a lot of toughness, condi damage, and runes of the traveler for mobility, but her 4 prime stats aren’t too differing in amount. GS plus Rise, You are all Weaklings, Nothing Can Save You, and Chilled to the Bone. (anti feline pause) Rise! gives you a lot of minions, that then add to toughness based on traits, shroud gives you a second chance at life, and you can pretty much chew through the stuff.
You may want to ask for 2 or 3 more to help you on the claim, that extra bit of dps can make it all go that much more smoothly, but if you want to keep it to your own five then go for dps + survival, ignore the mobs who aren’t vine tenders, and hustle to the next vine asap. (One exception — in Gilded Hollow, at least, there is one vine fight near the center platform that gets mordrem who make giant expanding rings of black ick. You want to murder them fast).
(edited by Donari.5237)
Lost Precipice is harder with the really random vine spawn locations.
But I believe you can simply put up an LFG and people can join your capture attempt.
Ingame Name: Guardian Erik
not too sure, helped guildies 5-men personal guild hall, didn’t use specific build, just normal pve dps builds
Henge of Denravi Server
Five people is enough to capture the guild hall. I managed to do it with four randoms I recruited in the LFG tool. The party composition for me was two guardians, a warrior, a ranger, and a revenant. I think the main issue was the random spawn points on Lost Precipice, but we managed to get it on the first try with a little over two minutes left on the timer.
I can’t say for the others who were with me, but I was wearing knights exotic armor with superior rune of the trooper equipped in all slots to get the extra condition cleanse from my shout utilities. My accessories were all ascended berserkers. I was one of the guardians. It’s not optimal gear, but it worked for me. The most important thing to do is to focus fire on the vine and vinetenders.
If you need help, just post in LFG. If I’m online at the time you guys decide to hall capture, I would be more than happy to help.
Thanks guys. You all have been a great help.
No real class composition. As long as you can kill mobs you have enough dps. Strategy is really important though. You DO NOT have to kill each vine as it appears, you can miss a surprising number of them if they are too far away.