Guild looking to expand!

Guild looking to expand!

in Guilds

Posted by: Gwyn.6412


Server: Kaineng
Prime Time: 11am – 2am [Server time PST]
Guild Upgrades: V, V, IV, V
Chatting Program: Dolby Axon
Role: WvW & PvX

Kaineng Crows [KC] is a social guild that houses all types of players! We been here since the dawn of Guild Wars 2, so most of us know the ropes. We run Fractals daily, tournament PvP, dungeons, and WvW. We are currently looking to increase our numbers for organized WvW and “guild missions.” We were content with our size, but now that our server is tier 2 in WvW and with guild missions requiring many people for bounties, an expansion is vital. Since we have our upgrades near max, we encourage any other small guilds to join our flock so we can all hit guild missions as soon as possible. If you have any questions, want collaborate on a merge , or just wanting to join, my IGN is Gwynharwyf or you can contact Ninjazilla.

(edited by Gwyn.6412)