Guild of Madness[GoM] Dungeon/WvW

Guild of Madness[GoM] Dungeon/WvW

in Guilds

Posted by: Ryan.1092


We’re a HIGHLY social/active 450+ PvE focused Dungeon/WvW Guild, with 3+ 24/7 buffs, Vent, Dragon timers, all mining nodes, many guides, website and a leader of an Alliance. We have no real rules or restrictions, all we’re asking is that you show the expected respect to all guildmates and have fun ^^.

Representing is also not required; but we do ask that you represent us while in guildie events/dungeon runs.

Our Guildies are online 24/7, we’ve recruited a wide range of players playing throughout every hour of the day. So you won’t feel left out.

You can view our website(work in progress) at

[Zealot] – We’re still looking for another 2 experienced commanders in WvW to help lead all of our Guildies, every Wednesday we have a huge Guild meetup in WvW. Usually there are 80-100+ members.

[Berserker] – We are looking for 4 more experienced Dungeon leaders, which are players who know aspects of every Dungeon and are able/willing to bring unexperienced Guildies[That are willing to learn and listen] along in Dungeon runs to help and teach them.

For questions on Alliances, Please contact my player name @ The Enemy(Ryan.1092) or our Co-leader @ Ninjuvy(Ninjuvy.8560)


Guild of Madness[GoM] Dungeon/WvW

in Guilds

Posted by: Nuked.2360


What server?

Destructive Nuked||AR Driver/Leader

Guild of Madness[GoM] Dungeon/WvW

in Guilds

Posted by: Ryan.1092


We’re on Gate of Madness of course ^^, sorry.. It wouldn’t fit into the topic, and forgot to add it into our info

Guild of Madness[GoM] Dungeon/WvW

in Guilds

Posted by: Nuked.2360


:) Just figured i’d ask make it a little easier so you don’t get asked that a lot Good luck

Destructive Nuked||AR Driver/Leader