As the title reads, we’re recruiting.
We are looking for active WvW players, with TS3 and a Mic.
We require you “Represent” the guild while doing WvW, doing PvE you can do whatever you’d like.
We play all throughout the day, we’d like a more active “Oceanic” group of people to add to the guild. But the time you’ll find most players on is anywhere from 5cst to late into the night till about 2am.
We’re currently in the Totn alliance, and we use their teamspeak. We have our own vent, but we stay in here to organize events with other major guilds among the server.
If you’d like to speak more about it, feel free to add myself “Banana The Ele” or “Receg”. We both look forward to playing either with you, or against you in WvW.