Henge of Denravi - Harbingers of Serendipity - Looking for active players!

Henge of Denravi - Harbingers of Serendipity - Looking for active players!

in Guilds

Posted by: Zarum.8954


Harbingers of Serendipity

We are a social guild dedicated to getting the most out of Guild Wars 2. We have open enrollment and all members are granted invite privileges to help bring in friendly members so we can become a thriving community.

What <HoS> offers:

50 Slot Mumble Server
Guild Website and Forums
Guild Banners / Guild Armorer / Guild Weaponsmith
10% Magic Find for 3 days (We keep this up as much as possible)
5% Exp for 24 hours (Try to keep this up as much as possible also)
20% Influence for Dungeons
5% Influence for 24 hours

Our current goal is to unlock the Karma bonus.

If you have any questions or would like to get an invitation please contact an officer.
GMs – Hitagi San, Araelys San

Officers: Larranna Drageen, Mindful Mayhem, JingleJangle, Dark Leviathan

Thank you for your consideration!