[Henge of Denravi] Synapse - SG/Oceanic GMT+8 Hardcore PvP/WvW

[Henge of Denravi] Synapse - SG/Oceanic GMT+8 Hardcore PvP/WvW

in Guilds

Posted by: ritsuko.2863



Our public recruitment is open again to dedicated, competitive and hardcore oceanic WvW players – preferably with an extensive PvP/RvR background. We play in the GMT+8 time zone.

Synapse is based in the SG/Oceanic GMT+8 time zone and serves as a long-term MMORPG community for:

Passionate gamers for life
Top gaming talents in the SEA region and beyond
Hardcore PvPers who wish to play together with skilled team-mates in an organized environment
MMO veterans whose former guilds have disbanded and are looking for a permanent home


[GW2: Stormbluff Isle]


Although Synapse was officially formed in early 2011, our core is essentially a ‘multi-core’ assembled from very strong guilds and clans from our region. We’re very used to dominating our region’s gaming scene for mainstream MMOs, and now aspire to compete on the world-level.

We have players from:

[Competitive FPS background eg. old school Quake, Counterstrike 1.6, Blackshot, Sudden Attack]
[Competitive RTS & MOBA background eg. SC2, DOTA1/2, HoN, LoL]
[Dominant SEA BF3 clans eg. kitten, MBT]
[Top SG/MY PvP clans from F2P scene eg. DreamZ, Chronicle, Extalia]
[Renowned Shattered Galaxy Regiment – Strategists]
[WoW: Thaurissan PvP – Alliance – Serious Players] – [Gorgonnash PvP – Alliance – Eternity]
[WoW: Thaurissan PvP – Horde – Quantum]
[WoW: Blackrock/Barthilas PvP – Alliance – Elementium]
[Aion: Nezekan PvP – Asmodian – Nephilim – Dominant Oceanic PvP guild]
[SWTOR: The Swiftsure PvP – Republic – Synapse]
[RIFT: Briarcliff/Laethys – Guardian – Synapse]

Achievement Synopsis

- Coalition of renowned SEA and Oceanic gaming groups
- Home to many WoW multi-glads eg. Leonardo (9-time Gladiator Rank 1 Paladin), Mureas (Season 3 Rank 1 Warrior & Season 10 Rank 1 Priest)
- Aion: Rank #1 and most dominant PvP legion (Nephilim) on Nezekan server
- Rift: Oceanic 1st Akylios
- Swtor: Fielded several dominant PvP teams, Server 1st (Oceanic 2nd) 8-man Nightmare EV+KP clear on Swiftsure server

Guild Description

“In the nervous system, a synapse is a structure that permits a neuron to pass an electrical or chemical signal to another cell.”

Synapse is a hardcore progression guild with a melting pot of excellent veteran players at its core, and an extended guest roster of friends. Very much like the definition above, the vision for Synapse is to be THE community that connects quality gamers from our region together, be it individuals or groups. We strive to be considered as the #1 SEA-based guild, and as the top choice that a hardcore gamer from our region will pick when sourcing for a guild.

Drama is left at the door and while we recognize that having fun is an essential experience of gaming, our culture has and will always be centered around meritocracy. We seek players who have great environmental awareness, do their research to improve their performance as well as group synergy, and basically not weigh down the rest of the team. We do not regard hardcore as lengthy play time, but as dedication, knowledge and skill.

The majority of our members hail from Singapore, hence our official guild events are held during the latter part of Oceanic prime-time eg. GMT+8 7pm onwards. We will be focusing primarily on serious, competitive PvP and RvR, with PvE as a side-interest.

Synapse [SYN] Sanctum of Rall

(edited by ritsuko.2863)

[Henge of Denravi] Synapse - SG/Oceanic GMT+8 Hardcore PvP/WvW

in Guilds

Posted by: ritsuko.2863


Our public recruitment is open again to dedicated, competitive and hardcore oceanic WvW players – preferably with an extensive PvP/RvR background. We play in the GMT+8 time zone.

Synapse [SYN] Sanctum of Rall