How do you do Guild Missions?

How do you do Guild Missions?

in Guilds

Posted by: Dainank.1308



How do you do Guild Missions?

Can someone please help me, I am confused, how do you go to Guild Missions?

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How do you do Guild Missions?

in Guilds

Posted by: Daelwyn.3967



Basically you need to unlock the ability to access guild missions in the Art of War, Economy, Politics, and Architecture areas of the guild upgrades.
From there you can purchase different guild missions, Bounty, Trek, Rush, and Challenge with influence. The earliest one you can get is Bounty and it costs 30,000 influence (not including influence needed to get up to tier 5 in Art of War).

For a complete, and pretty simple guide – check here.

As for actually completing them – when your guild “activates” they you have a time limit to reach the objection. Theoretically your guild members will be chatting with you and tell you where to meet up to do them.

Good luck =)

LvL 80 Elementalist
[TGM]A Guild for Clearing Dungeon Trash
Mail: Daelwyn.3967 for invite